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"Roy- are you blushing?!" Royce clamped his hand over Bambi's mouth at her shriek, practically carrying her towards the car so they could leave.

"Make sure you use it, Royce!" Her eyes widened when Maddy called out to him, seeing his blush get darker as he shoved Bambi into John's backseat and got in with her. The Latina laughed at that, finding him adorable.

"Spill." Bambi said when he finally moved his hand from her mouth, Royce pulling his hood on and tightening the strings.

"I thought she was cute....and we started talking....and I don't know! I don't know what happened, I think I'm sick!" Royce complained before groaning, peeking at Bambi when she snorted.

"Oh, you totally have a crush on her."

"I am literally a cold blooded killer. I have no feelings." He denied, pulling out his phone and shooting Maddy a 'get home safe.' "None whatsoever."

"Royce you just told her to get home safe!" Bambi was giddy, pulling him into a hug even though he threw his phone into the front seat. "Your first crush! Ooooh, this is so exciting!"

"She replied." John nonchalantly said as he picked up the phone, barely glancing at the road long enough. "She wants you to sit next to her in class tomorrow."

"Let me see that." Royce grabbed the phone when John started typing, reading the message as a smile lit up his face. It made his dimples pop out. "I have to look my best."

"You look good enough. Maddy doesn't care."

"But she looks amazing. I dress like I have no life." He motioned to his clothes as John stopped outside of Fez's store, the two of them climbing out of the car before he sped away. "Where is your freckled servant?"

"Boyfriend. Not a servant."

"Is it not the same thing?" They glanced back when a car pulled up, thinking it was John telling them they forgot something.

"Shit." Bambi cursed and pulled Royce into the store when she recognized Cal's car, locking the door and making sure the lights were off. "Down."

Royce moved down without any questions, the two of them watching as he walked around the store. Bambi's brows shot up, picking up her phone to call Ash.

"Uh, Carson just walked around the store.... Caleb?....Fucking Aaron's dad.... Yeah, Royce and I saw him." Ash ended the call after telling her to wait a few minutes, Royce reaching up and grabbing a snack cake. "No, you're allergic to peanuts."

"A little irritation has yet to kill me, cousin." He said, hissing when she smacked it out of his hand.

"Your throat literally closes up and I know you haven't gotten a new epipen yet." They went quiet when the back door opened, no other sound being made.

"Weirdos." They looked up when Fez found them, leaning down and picking up the snack cake. Bambi sighed in relief, the two of them standing up and following him to the apartment.

Cal didn't know what he was in for. If he thought Fez was scary, he was going to shit his pants seeing Royce. A fucking seven foot (six eight) giant of a teenager with a dead stare and dark jokes.

He literally joked about playing golf with a football players head when he was fucking with me, and I still don't think it was actually a joke.

"So first you come to my fucking job asking all these weird ass questions like the feds. Poppin up at my lady place n'shit." Royce's brows raised at that, Bambi shaking her head a little when he looked at her. "Then I find out you in front of my house. Fuck are you doin, man?"

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