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Bambi woke up with a major headache, groaning as she covered her face with the pillow she was laying on to block out the sunlight. She searched the other side of the bed, Fez grabbing her hand and looking up from his phone.

"Can you close the curtains?" She mumbled, turning on her side to face him. He squeezed her hand, getting up and doing that before moving to his bedside table and getting the pills he set out.


"Thank you." He turned to get her water, Bambi swallowing the pills dry. She popped up, scratching her head and blinking her eyes open. "...you- uh, I should get going."


"No, i-it's fine. Uh, I actually can't even remember what I'm talking about. Just surprised you took care of me, that's all." She rambled, picking up her dress and heels and calling Ty at the same time. "You didn't have to do that, but you still did."


"Ty's down the road, I should brush my teeth and then I'll leave." His door closed softly, Bambi biting her lip to stop herself from crying. She didn't know if she was embarrassed that she said it, or embarrassed that he didn't even acknowledge that she said it.

"Fuck man." Fez groaned, falling back on his bed and rubbing his face.

Bambi told Fez she loved him while she was drunk. He didn't even say anything about it, just completely acted like he didn't hear her at all and continued getting her ready for her shower. After that he wondered why she stayed quiet, but come on. He should've said something.

Bambi felt stupid, she felt like she ruined everything with that. She could live with him saying he wasn't sure, even with him saying 'okay' after that. But he said nothing and somehow, that made it worse.


"I don't know what the fuck you did to my daughter, but you better get in the fucking car." Marq ground out after Fez opened the door, stepping to the side. John, Quinton, and Doc were in their own cars. "You're helping us look for her."


"I got this, Marq." Ty mumbled, pushing him back towards his car. He looked stressed, offering Fez a smile. "You didn't say anything after she told you she loved you. She feels stupid, she thinks she messed everything up by saying it. Then she went on a walk...an hour ago."

"Fuck man." Fez scratched his head, grabbing his keys. With the way Marq and Ash were glaring at him, he really didn't think he could last a minute in that car.

"Fez is calling....again." Rue and Bambi were laying in the park, head by head and high out of their minds as they passed the third blunt back and forth.

"Ignore them." Bambi lazily said, eyes puffy and a bit red due to all of her crying.

"Yeah, what's up man?" Rue sighed as she answered her phone for Fez, taking the blunt Bambi was holding out. "Dunno, some park. Layin in the field, gettin high as a kite."

"Cloud. High as a cloud. Or the atmosphere." Bambi corrected, sitting up to roll another blunt. Rue laughed when she saw what she was doing, forgetting about Fez on the phone.

"Man, we need to get heartbroken more often. This shit is fun." Her phone slipped from her hand, passing Bambi the half finished blunt so she could spark the new one. "Do the uh, the fuckin smoke trick again."

Fez knew there was only one park they would walk to and get high at, pulling up a few minutes later and setting out to find the field they were laying in.

"Oh shit." Rue said, Bambi popping her head up to see what she was looking at. She groaned when Fez got closer, pushing herself up. "I'll be here if you need me."

"Yeah, okay." She mumbled, grabbing her water bottle and walking off.

"Bambi." He called, frustration lacing his tone as he picked up his pace. "Bambi, come on."

"Why? So you can pretend you can't hear me again? It's fine, I totally love being ignored." She sarcastically called back, putting more distance between them as she called Marq. "Hello? Why would you ask Fezco to help you?"

"That's how we playin it?" He caught her arm, pulling her back to him. Bambi shrugged him off, or tried to because he was surprisingly stronger than he looked.

"Okay, you caught me. Now what? You give me some big speech because you feel like you have to? You say it back without really knowing if you mean it? Go on, let's hear it." Her eyes burned as she hung up the phone, snatching her arm away and angrily rubbing at her eyes. "Anything would've been better than nothing. Even a 'that's fine' would've been great. I'm not asking you to love me back, but don't just ignore me because- what? You thought I didn't mean it? You- you-"

"Breathe." He mumbled when she started hyperventilating, pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back as she started sobbing. "I'm sorry. You were sayin some random shit before and it juss flew over my head."

"I said it twice." He frowned, biting his lip as he contemplated on telling her-

"I....I didn't believe you." He mumbled, looking away from her and instead staring at a tree. "I mean, I believe you but like....me? Y'know, it's hard to-"

Bambi brought him into a kiss, Fez's eyes screwing shut as he held her closer.

"You're crying." She whispered when she pulled back, wiping his face before fixing him with a stern look. "Don't talk down on yourself, okay? I love you and I don't ever want you to doubt that."

"I love you too."

(Somewhere John just started violently throwing up on the side of the road.)

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