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Two days after the carnival, Bambi was at the brothers's place for Fez to do her ass tatt.

"Where's Ash?" She asked once noticing how quiet it was, looking around for him.

"Sleepin." He mumbled, lowkey checking her out. "Look good, Bam."

"Why thank you, kind sir." Bambi smiled, Fez shaking his head and leading her to his room. She set the bag down, opening it up to get everything out. "You can touch, don't gotta just stare."

"'M not starin." Fez denied, even though he clearly was staring at her ass. He bit his lip, sliding his hands around her waist as she bent over to plug her gun in. "You draw it on already?"

"Mhm." Bambi pat his hands, laying on his bed as he took a seat on the chair he brought in earlier. She pulled her shorts off, resting her head on her arms and watching Fez swallow. "Like 'em?"

She had on a lacy thong, and right now Fez hated that he knew exactly what set she had on.

"I get to take 'em off?" He jokingly shot back, Bambi humming with a grin.

"We'll see."

"Stay still, I'm almost done." Bambi had her face buried in the pillow she'd grabbed, Fez finishing her tattoo with one hand as he used the other to finger her.

I hate them together so much. Not actually, but I should be Fez.

"Mhm." Was all she could muster out, Fez slowing down his pace once she got close again. "Noooooo."

"Hol' on." He said with a laugh, finishing the tatt and wiping the ink away. He guided her hips up, careful not to pull on her skin too much as he pulled her legs apart some more. "Good?"

"Yes, yes good." She quickly said, her brain being a jumbled mess of English and French. Even a Japanese word being thrown around here and there. "So good."

Fez wasn't gonna lie, he kinda wanted her to sit on his face. Y'know, cause of her tattoo and everything.

"Why- oh mon foutre." She groaned when he pulled her to sit on his face, pushing herself up with a stifled moan.

(This is going in a totally different direction than what I intended....not mad though.)

"Foutre, oui." It was squeaky, Bambi actually managing to keep her voice low so she wouldn't wake Ash. Like, he couldn't hear anything. "Feeeezzz, I'm gonna cum."

"Mhm." He replied, bringing an arm around to rub
her clit while he tongue fucked her. Bambi clutched the pillow, shoving her face into it as she came. She was biting her lip so hard she thought it would bleed.

It was like something possessed him, because he didn't stop after giving her literally the best orgasm any man's given her (she swears she went to the wrong part of France). In fact, he went back to licking and sucking her clit, almost like he really wanted her to scream (and do bc Bambi's voice is just mwah).

"Oh mon dieu oh mon dieu." She gasped, placing a hand on his head. If he wanted, he could lay her on her back to continue. Maybe next time. "Tu es tellement bon pour moi."

(Head so good got her changing languages 😩)

His free hand intertwined with the one she had on his head, his other holding her waist and keeping her down against him.

"Fuuuuck, oh my god." She choked out, squeezing his hand as she grew closer to her second orgasm. "s'il te plaît s'il te plaît s'il te plaît."

Her voice still remained in a whisper, though whinier now as she rocked against him. Fez stuck his tongue flat out, moving her along a bit faster. Then he went back to eating her out, Bambi choking back a scream as he did it just right.

"Oh merde, I'm- fuck!" She dropped the pillow to cover her mouth, her breathing erratic as she came harder than before. Fez lazily lapped at her, ignoring his burning lungs as he waited for her to come down from her high. "I- holy shit, you're not even breathing."

She lifted up, Fez following her hips as he gave her one last lick, falling back against his bed to catch his breath.

"Okay, sit back down."

"You're killing me." She whined, squealing when he pulled her back down by her thighs. "Oh my- ooooouuuu shit."

(Just a heads up, Fez wasn't hard during this. But that brother was starvin 🤭)

"Fez." Ash called out, having just woken up from his nap. He knocked on the door to the room, Fez groaning as he rolled over and looked at the door.


"I'm hungry, man. Feed me."

"Feed ya self. I'm comfortable." He grumbled, rolling back to hold onto Bambi. She was sleeping peacefully after he finally let up, her eyes a little puffy since she cried somewhere in between.

"Bambi's hungry too. Come cook." Ash stubbornly said, knocking on the door again. Fez huffed, pulling himself off of the bed and going over to the door. "Spray somen in here?"

"Nah, Bam's perfume." He said, Ash not catching on to what he was talking about.

"Oh. Come cook." Ash rushed, Bambi stirring with a little whine. "Wassup, ma."

"I'm finna come cuddle with you." She tiredly mumbled, tossing the blanket off of her. She was wearing Fez's shirt, a pair of socks on her feet as she rubbed her eyes and padded over to the door.

"We gon' watch a movie?" Ash said, a little excitement in his voice as Bambi pat Fez's cheek. She nodded, Ash grabbing her hand and dragging her to his room.

"Ain't no way bro juss took my girl like that." Fez mumbled, his face scrunched as he glared at Ash's closed door.

"-like you sat on him sat on him?" Ty asked as they sat on his bed, Marq in the shower. The two of them had hot tea to drink.

"Yes! Ro on everything that man has some lungs of steel or somethin." Ty's mouth dropped, Bambi nodding as she took a sip of her tea.

(Ty is that parent that you tell everything to.)

"Oh my god, reminds me of one of the good parts pre-transition for me. Mar did that one night too, literally took my fucking soul."

"Right! I swear he was trying to kill me!" Bambi said, the two of them going quiet when Marq walking in. "...anyways, he probably took two big breaths before he did that. One before and one two in."

"Oh my god, wait til I leave the room please." Marq groaned, grabbing his phone before making his way back to the door. "Cookies are almost done."

"Thanks, Papa! Love you!"

"I'm telling my therapist." Marq called back, Bambi and Ty laughing before she gasped.

"We should get matching piercings."

"Oh my god, and matching tatts too!"

"Ugh, we're soulmates Your Honor."

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