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Ash did something...horrible on the night of the winter formal. Bambi knew something was wrong, she always knows when something's wrong.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Ash asked as they sat on the swings, looking over at Bambi. She sighed, already feeling the tears forming in her eyes.

"What happened?" He froze, looking down at the ground and staying quiet. "Ash....I'm not gonna judge you. I would never hold anything against you, okay?"

"I...killed Mouse." She sucked in a breath, looking over at him when he stood up. "This is stupid. I killed someone, so what? It comes with the life."

"I thought like that when I first started too." Bambi whispered, Ash's brows furrowing as he kicked at the ground to stop himself from crying. "Tried telling myself 'it was killed or be killed,' tried convincing myself that I did the right thing. It didn't stop the horrifying reality, though."

"You kill people almost every week."

"This isn't something you're supposed to get used to, Ash." She reminded him, pulling him towards her by the back of his jacket. "I don't want you to get used to this. You're twelve, you shouldn't be killing anyone. You shouldn't have to look at a dead body."

"...I just...can you..." Bambi understood what he was trying to ask, hugging him as he started crying quietly. "Tighter, please."

"Sure thing, bubba."

Sad thing is, Bambi felt nothing when learning he'd killed Mouse. She wanted to cry because she could tell he was traumatized, and she did, but she felt nothing when learning he'd actually taken a life.

I don't think it's because of her killing people, I think it's because they basically drilled it into her head not to shed a tear or show any reaction to a dead body. Well, that's how I see it. She says it was different than that.

"I feel like a baby." They were curled up in Ash's bed, his head resting on her chest as they watched some old cartoons. "Y'know, Grandma opened her eyes yesterday."

"That's awesome. Did she get anything to drink or eat?" He nodded, feeling tired the longer they laid there. "Did she speak?"

"She asked if I still liked eating cigarettes." Bambi laughed a little at that, Ash grinning as he recalled yesterday's events. "She wants to meet you."

"And that's no problem. Maybe if she's awake tomorrow." Fez paused when he heard Bambi speaking, having just helped his grandmother to the bathroom and back to bed. "Did you guys tell Doc?"

"He was here when it happened." Ash yawned, Bambi smiling and pressing a kiss to his head. "Definitely feel like a baby now."

"You're my baby." She said, Ash staying quiet as he drifted off to sleep. Bambi turned to the door, her eyes meeting Fez's. "This sleepover wasn't planned."

"I see that." He mumbled, making his way into the room. Bambi scooted over to make room for him, Fez laying beside her. "He tol' you?"

"Mhm. Made me feel a bit inhumane, though." He looked at her, Bambi sighing. "I didn't react when he told me he killed him. I only reacted when he cried. No normal person just shrugs off someone saying they killed someone."

"Good thing we ain't normal people then, huh?" He muttered, kissing her forehead. "Go to sleep. Stop overthinking."

"You go to sleep too." She said when he got up, Fez flashing her a smile before he left the room. She got comfortable, sliding her arm under Ash's head before closing her eyes to sleep.

"This her?"

"Yeah." Bambi woke up to voices, rolling over and looking at Fez and Marie standing in the door way. "Mornin, Bam."

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