𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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Fez was hella clingy those following weeks.


Before there was an off chance that they happened to be in the same place at the same time, or that one left before the other. Or they were on the phone.

Now, Fez was always behind her.

Bambi had to go to the store? He was right there.

Bathroom? He was either outside or sitting with her if she was showering.

Cooking? Right there helping her.

Anything Bambi did now, Fez was right there with her.

"Damn, can I get a chance to be clingy?" Bambi walked out of the shower and nearly tripped over Fez, who was laid out and watching something on his phone. "What if I wanna shadow you?"

"Short as hell talkin bout shadowin." She scowled and hit him with her shirt, putting on her clothes before laying on the ground with him.

"Got an inch or two on me and swear you Shaq." Fez rolled his eyes, letting her cuddle up on him.

"You wanna eat out or home cooked?" Bambi hummed as she thought it over, Fez rubbing her side.

"Can we get Chinese this time? I want fried rice and chicken." He shrugged, ordering it on his phone before sitting up. He stood and helped Bambi up, the two of them quietly walking to his room to chill.

"I love you, my baby."

I lOvE yO- shut the fuck up.

(Rue a fuckin hater 😭)

"Stoooop." Fez groaned as Bambi peppered kisses over his face, trying to cover it when he started blushing and smiling. Bambi smushed his cheeks together, pecking his lips until the smile fully broke through. "I love you too."

"Mmmmwaaaaah." Bambi grinned when he started laughing, Fez staring up at her as his hands rested on her hips. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like...like I'm the sun or somethin." Fez's brows furrowed a bit before he smiled, Bambi gasping and leaning closer to look at his eyes. "Your pupils are so big right now. Stop it."

"Never." He leaned up and kissed her so tenderly, held her so gently that Bambi quite literally melted. She sighed while her body just relaxed into him, letting him pull her closer and deepen the kiss.

(I'm Rue y'all I fuckin hate what I've done 😐)

"Ash my baby!" No matter how tall he'd gotten, Ash still ran into Bambi's arms like he was a short kid again. Bambi kissed his cheek and squeezed him tighter, Ash sticking his tongue out at Fez when he scowled. "How's school?"

"He got in a fight and got suspended for two weeks. Fractured the kids jaw." Bambi's brows raised as she looked at Ash, who buried his face in her shoulder. Marq kissed her head before moving over to Fez, slapping his back harshly. "What's up, maigre?"

"I'm gettin back into my routine." He mumbled, punching his arm. Marq snorted, Ty sluggishly making his way towards him.

"Carry me, peasant."

"Who the fuck?" Marq's nose scrunched and he stepped to the side, Ty stumbling before glaring at him. "Don't talk to me like that. Hell?"

"Ne me parle pas putain." Ty spat before turning to Fez and smiling, pulling him into a hug. "Hey, Fez. You look better than last time."

"Yeah, you want me to carry that for you?"

"Stop crying." Bambi was trying to wipe Royce's tears as he held her and Ash up, Royce pouting and sniffling.

"How come your servant got more time with you than your cousin? I was here first." He set her back on her feet, Maddy hugging her before going to Royce's side. "Do I have to fight him?"

"Please don't."

"No, Roy. I promise I'll come back to France for a few months." Ash finally let go of her, moving to greet his brother. "Ash, wait til we get to the house."

"Wha- it was self defense!"

"Why- why you had to tell her?" Everyone was trying not to laugh as Ash stood in the corner with his arms up, the teen trying his best not to cry or let his arms drop. "This some bullshit."

"Talkin bout 'self defense.' You hit his ass first." Bambi grumbled, putting another textbook in his hands. "Straighten them fuckin arms."

"Yes ma'am."

"Royce. Status." He stiffened, clearing his throat and looking to the side as he tried to find something to say. "Royce."

".....I'm failing two classes."

"Position." She pointed at the floor and he groaned, Royce dropping down to do his pushups. Bambi checked her watch, going over to Ash and taking the books from his hands. "Go sit down."

"Hey, at least she couldn't find a belt." Marq said when Ash sat down with a pout, Royce thanking the gods above for that. He would do as many pushups as she wanted him to, but he would not take another beating from her.

(Beat his ass so good his entire personality changed. Bambi whooped some sense into his ass frl.)

"Maddy, sit on his back." Bambi decided when she noticed he was nearing fifty too fast, Maddy doing so without complaints. Royce grunted as he pushed himself back up, having to get used to the weight before he went back to it. "Fez."

"I'm not- yes ma'am." Bambi glared at him and he quickly joined Maddy on Royce's back, the man groaning when he tried to push himself up again.

"Ten more, let's go." Bambi snapped her fingers, Royce trying his best to keep the same pace. Maddy on his back was no problem, he'd ask her to when they were in France and he wanted the weight. But Maddy and Fez was a different thing.

"I will do better, m'dame."

"Ask for help if you need it, Roy. We have plenty of capable people for you to ask." He nodded and sat back on the couch, Bambi standing in front of everyone and looking them over. "So, pizza?"


"Hell yeah."

"Thank god."

"Hey." Bambi whispered as she walked into her room, Fez turning over in the bed to look at her. "You sure you're not overwhelmed?"

"Yeah. C'mere." Bambi crawled into his arms, relaxing when he rubbed her back. "You good?"

"Mhm. So, when are we going to France?"

"Damn, Imma be grounded."

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