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"Bambi, oh my sweet girl!" Bambi laughed as her father picked her up and spun her around, the two of them getting some looks before the neighbors realized who she was. "I'm so sorry college didn't work out for you, sweetheart."

"You don't have to sugar coat it." Bambi had decided to go to France for college, her father being able to persuade her into letting him pay for the ticket and apartment since she'd worked her ass off to get accepted over there. "They couldn't handle me. I should've applied for the other one."

"Foolish." Ty (yes, Tyrone) smacked the back of her head, grabbing one of her bags to help out. "And I didn't sugarcoat anything. College isn't for you."

"I'm so glad you're my dad." She sighed, picking up her stacked boxes and bringing them into the house. "I brought you presents!"

"Oh you just love to spoil me."

"Why didn't you say anything before I left? I only grabbed ten." Bambi sighed as she pushed open the door to the store, a smile adorning her face as Ty whined on the phone and twirling the twenty between her fingers. "I'm playing, Ro. I have enough."

"Oh how I love thee Bambi." Ty dramatically said, Bambi laughing as she turned down an aisle. A drink caught her eyes, making her quicken her pace to reach the cooler. "Hurry up and come back so we can cook, dork."

"I'll make this as quick as possi- what the heck?" She pulled on the cooler door, a whole room opening up to her. She slapped a hand over her eyes when she spotted the kid inside, closing her mouth. "Uh, sorry. Je n'ai rien vu....s'il te plait ne me tue pas..."

"What? Who's gonna kill you? Bam?"

"Yo! Fez!" The kid called out, the sound of a chair scraping reaching her ears. "You can open yo eyes, ma."

"You sure? I do- I could just close this for you." Bambi offered, blindly reaching for the door handle again. The kid came up, moving her hand and leaning against the door. "There's- uh, I'm no-"

"Wassup?" Bambi's eyes shot open at the voice, fumbling with her phone as her eyes landed on the new person. "She seen somen?"

"Sainte Mère de Dieu." She breathed, Fez's eyes meeting hers. Bambi wasn't gonna lie, he was a little intimidating. But in the 'oh fuck, he's hot' way.

"Nah, she freaked and covered her eyes." The kid said, giving her a once over.

"Dad I'll call you back." Bambi said, Ty protesting as she hung up. "Uh, I was just....looking for the Arizona tea."

"Told you we should put some shit no one wants." The kid scoffed, Bambi's eyes flickering to him.

"Oooohhhh cool tattoos." She said, looking over his face as the brothers stared at her. She was a little odd. "You're gonna be my reason as to how I'm not too young for tattoos."

" said you wanted tea?" Fez spoke up, her eyes snapping right back to his. Bambi nodded, stepping back a little more so she wasn't so close to the entrance.

"Yeah...yeah, the tea." She looked down at her shoes, hoping that she looked half as decent now that she was more awake. She looked dead tired before and she was hoping she looked better now. "I'll just...go grab something else..."

"Nah, you good." He nodded at the kid, the child giving Bambi one more glance before going back to whatever he was doing. Fez stepped out of the cooler, their shoes bumping as he closed the door behind him. "My fault."

"It's cool, I'm a little close." Bambi mumbled, praying to the Gods above that he didn't notice her trembling hands. Or the slight shift she did when he spoke. Fez nodded before turning and heading off towards another part of the store and coming back after a moment.

"This all you want?"

"Autre que toi en ce- just a few more things." Bambi took the drink from him, ignoring the way his stare was lighting her up to go grab Ty's chips and ice cream. She went towards the counter, placing her things down. She hadn't looked at him since they'd gotten into better lighting, for once scared of what might leave her mouth.

"$6.71." Bambi hummed, holding out the now unfolded twenty to him. Fez wouldn't lie he was disappointed that she wouldn't look at him again, oddly finding himself liking her attention. "New here?"

"Grew here. Coming back from....a vacation." She huffed a laugh at her joke. She'd been gone for a few months and it was short enough to call her college stay a 'free trial' when talking to Ty.


"Basically. College isn't for everyone, apparently." She sighed, finally picking her head up to look at him again. "France."


"Had to be. Only a few people in that college spoke English." Bambi found herself taking in his features. His green eyes, the freckles that kissed his skin, even his beard.

"What you went for?" Fez leaned on his crossed arms once she took her change, his eyes darting around her face. Favorite facial feature already? Her eyes. The brown and green clashed so beautifully that it was hard to look away. Not that he wanted to.

"Can't even remember. Had to do with a lot of numbers." She joked, a smile lighting up her face. It made him smile a bit.

"Speaking of numbers, you think I could get yours?" He inwardly winced at the lame line, Bambi laughing a little as her eyes dropped down to the counter.

"Hmmmm, my dad said I shouldn't give my number to strangers." She teased him, Fez grinning and pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Fez." He said, sliding his unlocked phone in her view.

"Bambi." She typed her number in, sending herself a message and saving his number. Ty chose that moment to call her back. "Jeez, I've gotta go. My dad's gonna burst a vessel."

"There's this party later. Think I'll see you there?" Fez called out as she walked away, Bambi turning backwards and looking at him.

"Maybe." And in very Bambi fashion, she stumbled on her way out of the store. Not like it was the first time that'd happened though. "Ro I swear I just met the finest guy in my life."

"Oh my fuck hurry home and spill."

"She's hot as hell." Ash said as he joined his brother at the counter, Fez lazily looking over at him. He raised a brow, Ash scoffing. "You were thinkin it too, lame ass."

"No I wasn't, smart ass." He shot back, glancing down to see what she sent.

like the deer?

yes, my dad has a sense of humor

"Oh, you are going to that party." Ty said once they finished cooking, Bambi finishing her story of what happened at the store. "My baby's first American hookup."

"Jesus Christ, Dad. We're not hooking up."

"You drooled three times talking about him." Ty blankly said, grinning when she hit him with a hand towel. "But seriously, you need to get out."

"It's my first day back in this town and the only thing I've done is unpack, nap, and go to the store. I've done too much for my first day back." Bambi complained as they sat down to eat, checking the time. "But if it's the one Rue's going to, I gotta leave soon."

"Ugh, I kinda miss my itty bitty druggie." Ty knew Rue was a drug user. He knew that she overdosed at the beginning of the summer, and he was the one to tell Bambi since she was still in France when it happened. But he didn't love Rue any less because of it. "Tell her I miss her."

"I will. Tell you about the party tomorrow." Bambi finished her portion, kissing her dad on the cheek before heading off to get ready.

"Actin like I'm not yo driver."

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