𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Does this look good?"

"Nooooooo wear this one." Fez pulled a dark green dress with a deep v-plunge and open back. Bambi rolled her eyes.

"That's too showy."

"And? It matches." He mumbled, holding it up to her. She sighed and grabbed it, heading back to the bathroom to change. "See? Like, I don't even wanna leave anymore. We can-"

"Nah, cause when I said that you wanna talk about 'we're gonna be late' and this that and the third." Bambi eyed him distastefully while clipping her heels on, taking his jacket and putting it on. "Now come on."

"Just a lil taste?"


"Aight, aight."

Fez took Bambi out on a date. Fancy place, expensive.

Let's just say he owes Ty a favor for this.

Bambi didn't really care about extravagant places, but he wanted her to go somewhere fancy so she could get all dressed up.

In reality, he just wanted another reason to drool over her.

"Stop lookin at me like that." Bambi laughed as Fez's eyes ran over her again from across the table, reaching over and guiding his head up so he was looking at her. "You look like you wanna bend me over the table."

"I do."

(Now how tf did I manage to take myself off guard?)

"The food hasn't even come out yet." She was amused, Fez lacing their fingers together and pressing a kiss to her hand. "You can make it through dinner."

"Mm. Shoulda let you keep the other one on." Throughout their dinner, Fez was struggling to focus on the moment and not act on his thoughts. (Listen white boy, nobody wants to get in trouble cause you horny 🙄)

"You can't make it to the house?"

"Bam I will crash this car." Fez groaned as he found an empty lot, parking in the darkest area. Bambi took his hand out of her thong, Fez watching in a daze as she licked his finger clean.

"Damn, that's me?" He chuckled at that, Bambi grinning and climbing into the back after taking her heels off. "Come on, we don't have all night."

"Yes we do."

Marq is going to torch that car.

Like, set it up in flames and cry to his therapist about it.

(I hope y'all know Marq was deadass tellin his therapist abt the horrors he'd seen Bambi and Fez do. And that was whenever he caught them kissing.)

"Mmmm, like that." Bambi held him closer to her, not caring about the slow strokes he was doing because it felt so good to her. Fez had his head buried in her neck, leaving hickies and little bites there as he waited for her orgasm to hit.

"Close?" He mumbled when she tightened a bit, Bambi nodding repeatedly as she rolled her hips to match his pace. He wanted to kiss her, but he also wanted to hear her moans as she came undone. "C'mon, ma. Cum for me."

Bambi doesn't know what felt better. Her orgasm, or Fez starting to fuck her like she owed him something.

"Oh fuck." He licked his lips and watched her tremble before going down to kiss her, not even caring that someone could see the car rocking. "Fuck."

"Good?" He mumbled before licking his thumb, rubbing her clit and feeling her arch further into him with a louder moan. "Good."

The windows were slowly starting to steam, car rocking more as he set a new pace. Because when Fez hit the spot, Bambi whines.

"Hold it." In response to that, Bambi knocked his hand away from her clit. Fez had a little smile on his face, lifting one of her legs up onto his shoulder.

"Can't do it." Fuckin cocky son of a bitch. Bambi wanted to glare at him and say what she thought, but all she managed was a groan when he grinded into her.

"You can't be done already." Cocky as ever, Fez tilted her chin up so he could see her. Her eyes narrowed before they closed, brows furrowing. "We just started."

"Don't- don't-" Fez knew what to do to push her over the edge, stimulating her g-spot and clit as Bambi tried to tell him not to. "Do-"


(And she let him make her squirt 😔 we lost her guys)

Her body was twitching, gasps leaving her as Fez watched her pussy throb and legs shake.

"Oh now we definitely got all night."


Like Marq is gonna set this car AND the keys on fire.

"I-...I can't no more." Bambi whined when Fez pulled her on his lap, the man still going. She fell into him, hugging him tightly as he basically proved her wrong.

Bambi shook and groaned when he bottomed out in her, Fez pulling her up for a sloppy kiss.

"Mm mm. Don't move yet." Bambi breathed, letting her head fall back to his shoulder. Fez massaged her back and legs, pressing little kisses to her neck and shoulder as he waited. "Can scratch car sex off the bucket list."

"Got a new goal now."

"Oh fuck no."

(Raw dick go hard apparently.)

(I don't be out here fuckin, y'all stay safe tho.)

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