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"PUT ME DOWN!" Bambi yelled as Royce ran around the house making airplane noises, scared that she was going to fall even though he'd done that every day since he'd gotten there a month ago.

"Prepare for landing!" He yelled while doing a few spins, slowly placing Bambi down as she held his arms. Her heart was thudding and she swallowed before patting his hands. "Get ready for takeoff!"

"Don't spin!" She said when he lifted her up again, Royce running around the kitchen island as the front door opened.

"What the fuck?" Maddy asked when Royce ran past her, hearing Bambi screaming when he started jumping around outside. "Ro, put her down! We gotta go!"

"Aw, but we're having fun." He pouted as he set Bambi down, leaning down when Maddy tugged on his shirt. His face exploded in a deep blush when she pressed a kiss to his cheek, turning and running back into the house and slamming the door.

"Ah, he'll get used to it. Eventually." Bambi said as they made their way to Maddy's car, greeting Kat with a kiss on the cheek as she slid into the back. They were heading to the Howard residence, Maddy there for Cassie and Kat and Bambi there for Lexi. After all, they just found out their friend was no longer a virgin.

"My beauty!"

"My grace!"

"My peace!" The three girls laughed as they hugged, Lexi ushering them to the staircase as Maddy and Cassie went towards the living room. "Spill."

"Okay, so...." Lexi told them all about the night everything happened, how Matt was romantic and sweet about the entire thing. How she woke up to breakfast in bed and another (stay in) date. And how much of a cuddler he was.

"Just wait until he's beating your back in." Bambi said, Kat choking on the drink they'd gotten sometime through the story. The older girl shrugged as they stared at her with wide eyes. "I'm just sayin."

"So every time you and Fez fuck, he's rough with it?" Kat asked, the two of them now intrigued when she scoffed.

"No, he mixes it up while we're doin it. Sometimes he starts off slow and sweet. Then goes hard and fast, sprinkle a little roughness and you've got a good Friday." The two girls bursted out in laughter, Bambi grinning with a shrug. "Same results every time. Crying, legs shaking, like...five? Orgasms."

"Oh so he likes to please." Lexi poked, Bambi's mouth dropping as Kat snorted.

"That or he just likes overstimulation."

"Stop cause I'm gonna ask hi- what the fuck?" The door opened and Suze walked in with Rue, the three of them shooting up. "Rue?"

"Hey..." She trailed off, Bambi making her way over to her and cupping her face. Despite the pain shooting through her, Rue leaned into her touch as she pushed her hair from her sweaty face. "Sorry you have to see me like this."

"At least you're alive, right?" Bambi mumbled, wiping at her face to try and dry it as Cassie and Maddy made their way into the foyer with them.

"Hey, Rue!" Maddy excitedly said, making her way over and giving the girl a hug. Rue leaned into that as well, almost like they were grounding her when they touched her.

"Oh, hi." As soon as Maddy let go, Rue was sitting at the top of the second set of stairs. She curled up on herself, staring down at everyone with crazed eyes. Bambi slowly made her way up the stairs, stopping a step or two away when Rue flinched back from her.

"Can I sit here?" The younger girl stared at her for a moment before nodding, Bambi sitting and holding her hand out for her. She wanted Rue's mind to be with them. Leslie entered the house shortly after, greeting everyone.

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