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Y'all ready for parents Bambi and Fez?

Don't matter. Get ready.

This is a few days after the wedding, so everyone's still in Cali.

"FEEEEEEZ!" He jolted awake at Bambi's scream, running out of the room and to the kitchen with a gun in hand.

"What? What happened?"

"My water broke." She groaned, Fez putting the gun down and going over to help her get back up. She'd fallen on her ass just as her water broke, the contractions starting to kick in. "Dammit! Grab my marshmallows and the bag!"

"Nasty ass- okay, wrong time my bad." He hissed when she pinched him, Bambi gripping the doorknob and snatching the keys off the hook when he left to get what she asked for. "Ba- stubborn ass."

"I ain't fall, did I?" She ground out, leaning against the hood of the car. Fez helped her into the backseat so she could lay down, racing down the road and towards the hospital.

"Excuse me." He approached the front desk, Bambi groaning again as she rested her head on it. "My wife's water broke."

"I'm gonna beat your ass oh my god we're fighting

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"I'm gonna beat your ass oh my god we're fighting." Bambi cried as she pushed, Fez just letting her squeeze his hand. He didn't know if she wanted him to respond or touch her, so he just stood and looked at their hands. "Respond man what's wrong with you?"

"I wanna see but I don't wanna see." He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her hand. Bambi's eyes snapped to his, staring at him before scoffing.

"Ten bucks says you pass out."


"Get him away from me!"

"How are you mad I didn't pass out?"

"Cause I'm twenty dollars less in money now!" Royce, Ty, Marq, and Maddy walked into the room in scrubs. After Marq convinced them to let all of them in at once.

"Okay, you see the head?" The nurse was talking him through it, Fez nodding as Ty watched over his shoulder.

"Yo baby got a big ass head."

"Dammit Ro leave my child alone!"

"Push, ma." Bambi pushed and Royce hit the floor, Maddy's jaw dropping as she looked between him and the scene. "C'mon, you got this."

"I hate this so much." Bambi cried as she pushed again, the sound of the baby crying greeting her a minute later. "I gotta push."

"Wha- there's another one?" One of the nurses did a quick ultrasound (idk if you can do that in the middle of birth, but it's a good thing this is fictional.), Fez staring at the screen in shock. "There's two more."

"What the fuck?! No! No no no!" She tried to pull herself off the bed, Ty and Marq moving to keep her there. "I can't!"

"You can, baby. You got this, just push." Ty spoke softly, Marq letting her squeeze his hands as she pushed. Another nurse had come in to help, Fez still catching the child when she pushed. "Last one, okay?"

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