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Bambi had told Fez that she called in a favor to see if they could help his grandmother. But it wasn't even a month before one of the new guys Doc brought with him tried to fuck her over.

No one fucks Bambi over.

"What are you doing?" She entered the room just as he finished putting medicine in the syringe, her hands behind her back as she blankly stared at him. "She's already had her medicine and you're not supposed to be here unsupervised."

"Doc said he forgot to give her this, I'm just here to distribute it." He smoothly lied, barely flashing the bottle at her. She nodded and walked closer, moving so fast he didn't have time to react.

"I'm not fucking stupid." She hissed in his ear, knife plunged in his throat and a thick towel covering the wound so blood wouldn't spray everywhere. "But you are, hm?"

He flailed and she grabbed the syringe he dropped, plunging it into his chest.

"Hold that for me." She whispered while draining the liquid into him, yanking the syringe out before ripping the knife out. She'd managed to keep the blood on the towel for the most part, a stream falling down his neck and some on her hands. She hummed as she dragged his dying body out of the room, having cracked the doors and pulled his car around prior to following him into the room. "You work slow. Maybe in your next life you could be quicker."

He gurgled and sort of gasped, trying to keep the blood down and breathe at the same time. His body hit the ground and she wiped her hands on another towel, putting gloves on.

"Do you know how irritating it is to put on latex with wet skin?" She asked as she opened his trunk, dragging him up and into it. "It's okay, I'll just lock up before we go to Doc. I don't want you to die so soon."

She flashed him a dark grin before closing the trunk, heading inside to wash her hands and clean up the medicine mess.

"He really is new. Insulin under the tongue? Child's play." She mumbled when she saw what the medicine was, shaking her head before looking over at Marie. "Fez and Ash should be home soon. I'll be back later."

Marie was looking healthier than before, an IV in her arm as Doc kept all of her actual medicines with him. She pulled her cover down a bit when she noticed a bit of sweat on her hairline, closing her door before leaving the house and locking up.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle Smith. Que puis-je faire pour vous?" Doc asked once he answered the phone, clicking in the background letting her know that he was probably with another patient. Or arranging his medicines again for the fiftieth time.

"Réparez-moi cette taupe. Ne le laissez pas mourir, Doc." She said, hearing the faint thuds of the guy in the trunk. "Et si vous avez besoin de quelque chose à faire, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de demander. Tu n'es pas un fardeau."

"Je vais parfaitement bien, Mlle Smith." He responded with a chuckle. "À bientôt."

"À bientôt." She replied, hanging up the phone. The middle seat cupholder pushed open, a groan being heard. "You're making a mess in your car. Stop moving so much, I said you wouldn't die. Yet."

"Thought you was stayin in all day?" Ash asked when Bambi came back, the teen smiling as she held the bag out to him.

"Had to take care of something, but I brought snacks too." Ash squinted at her before taking the bag, a little smile coming on his face when he saw some of his favorite snacks in there. Along with some French snacks for Bambi. "Is Quis still here?"

"Mhm, almost done with the toilet." Bambi nodded, patting his head on her way past to head towards the bathroom.

"Hey, Fuzzy." Fez rolled his eyes at the nickname, accepting Bambi's hug and kiss either way. "I thought Ash said you were almost done?"

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