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I didn't know people could have things for being ignored, but I guess that's one of the many things wrong with Nate Jacobs. At first he hated that Bambi went out of her way to avoid and ignore him.

"Oh, fuck."

But eventually he started getting his rocks off to it. I think it was the humiliation of being ignored by her that got to him, but then again, everything he did was weird.

"Bambi!" She didn't even spare a glance at him, walking past him as if he didn't even exist. He ignored the people laughing at his third attempt to get her attention, feeling that same feeling he got when he was so close to having her.

After a while, though, Bambi just ignored everyone. So he stopped feeling special after that.

Bambi was so focused on getting herself that scholarship that she wouldn't even make an effort to feed herself, just get up and go to school then come home and study. At this point in her life if you wanted to see her, you'd actually have to show up to her house.

"Just one more page and I'll eat." Bambi tiredly groaned as someone knocked on her door, Maddy rolling her eyes and popping her head in.

"Stop fucking lying, bitch. You said that an hour ago."

Maddy actually valued Bambi's opinion over anyone's. She'd ask her anything, even what she should eat for breakfast. If Bambi told her to break up with Nate, she probably would have.

But Bambi didn't. Bambi observes, and it's fucking scary what she can do if you fucked her over. I was there when she started digging up shit on the Jacobs family. She found so much shit in less than an hour I was wondering what kind of people she knew. Then I remembered that Marq is literally a fucking mafia boss or whatever and she's his only child.

(Gang, Mafia, I can't decide)

"I know but I have to finish this and then I'll be all done and I can eat and sleep and I wo- I'm shaking." Bambi cut herself off when she noticed her shaky hands, taking in her irregular breathing. "Am I okay?"

"Tyyy! Bambi's panicking!" Maddy shouted before going to her side, Ty carefully but quickly making his way upstairs with a bowl of chicken soup for her.

"Aw, now I'm gonna cry." Ty said when he saw her sobbing and clinging to Maddy, setting the soup on the table next to her bed. "Why are we crying, bubba?"

"I- I don't know." She hiccuped, reaching out for him.

There was a fifty fifty chance seeing Bambi cry would make you cry. Hell, Maddy was crying almost as hard as her, and she's just fine.

"You'll get sick if you keep crying. Can you breathe okay?"

"Y-yeah." She was taking deep, hiccuped breaths through her mouth, still crying but slowly trying to calm down. "I'm so-rry I made you cry."

"It's okay. Wanna eat and watch some movies?" Maddy offered as Ty wiped both of their tears away, Bambi nodding. She pushed her chair away from her desk, stumbling over to her bed and sitting down.

"It's chicken with rice, vegetables, and dumplings in it." Ty said, a little smile going on Bambi's face. It was her favorite soup when she was younger, always able to make her feel better no matter what.

"Thank you, Dada." She mumbled, picking up the warm bowl and fiddling around with the spoon. "....these aren't carrot chips."

"I was hoping you didn't notice."

Anyways, back to the problem at hand. Nate never had a chance to explore his new kink since Bambi graduated early and moved to France. Leaving him heartbroken and running back into Maddy's arms.

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