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I'm spacing events tf out so my babies have more time of getting to know each other.

Time had passed and Bambi and Fez grew closer. Like, super close. They were literally always hanging out either at his store or her house.

"Dad, Fez is here!"

"Don't eat all my damn food, we just got that shit." Ty snapped, glaring at Fez over the couch before going back to the show he was watching with Bambi's other dad.

"Okay, so what are we doin?" Bambi asked, taking a couple glances over at the little door in her room to make sure it was closed.

Bambi was embarrassed to admit that she liked growing plants. She's the whole reason why Ty has a big ass mango tree in his backyard, and now a garden filled with cantaloupes and honeydew.

She's got grapes, blueberries, watermelon, bananas, kiwis.

This girl's thumb is so fucking green. Everything she tries to grow, she succeeds.

"What's in there?"

"Lingerie." She automatically replied, slapping a hand over her mouth when Fez looked over at her. "And a weird collection of dildos."

"....for some reason I don't believe you." He mumbled, taking a seat at her vanity and just looking at her. He could stare at her all day and never get bored of it, always finding something new to look at. Like how she had a nose piercing that wasn't there yesterday. "When you get that?"

"Ro did it. After I left the store." She said, thinking that he'd forgotten about the door. "You wanna see the new tatt?"

"The one Ash drew?" Bambi hummed and nodded, Fez shrugging and rolling the chair over to her. "Sure."

For a brief second he caught sight of the end of her other tatt, Bambi rolling her shirt up and turning to the side.

Bambi had this cool ass tattoo that she did on herself. It was like a spider web, but made up with chains and the bugs were flowers and planets. It went from her upper right hip to almost mid thigh.

Ty clowned her for days after she'd fully healed.

"Dass cool." It was a butterfly, little chains falling from its wings. Chains seemed to be her thing. "Ty hold yo hand?"

"I did this when I was sixteen, I was young." Bambi scoffed, poking her thigh and letting her shirt fall back down. "Pain was a whole new game for me."

"Mo' sensitive down here." Fez mumbled, tugging her shorts down when she went to. Bambi's gaze nearly set into her 'fuck me' eyes, but she caught herself just as he looked up at her. "Musta hurt like a bitch."

"It did. Luckily Ro waited until I was fully healed to laugh at me, because I cried." Bambi admitted, stiffening when his eyes flickered over to the door. "Should we go outside? Have a picnic or something?"

For some reason admitting that she cried doing her own tattoo was better than admitting she's the reason they have fruit in the house all the time.

If you ever wanna hear a child yell at their parent for a silly yet justified reason, listen to Bambi yell at Ty when he takes care of the plants. That man killed the potatoes she'd been trying to grow and she sobbed. Like, full on cried so hard that she couldn't breathe.

"Trynna take me out?" Feeling a sudden wave of confidence wash over him, Fez pulled her closer by the band of her shorts. "Trynna distract me?"

"More than one way to do that, bookie." Bambi cheekily said, planting a kiss on his nose before turning the chair around and pushing him back towards her vanity. "It's a nice day outside."

"You know yo daughter lie?"

"What? Bout that door in her room?" Ty asked, looking over at Fez. He'd weasled his way out of the kitchen, Bambi setting up to teach him how to make gumbo. "What she said this time? You know that girl told Rue she had a latex collection in there?"

"Wow. She tol' me she had lingerie and a dildo collection." Ty's mouth dropped open, Bambi's other dad laughing loudly on the phone.

"That girl is growing apples and lemons. And the potatoes Ronni killed a few months ago." He spilled, the sound of something dropping echoing throughout the house.

"Pourquoi racontes-tu mon affaire à cet homme comme ça?"

"Il n'y a pas de honte à avoir, ma chérie."

"That damn French gon' have me jumpin through the phone. Keep playin, Mar." Ty warned, unaware that Fez was feeling the same effects because of Bambi. He would've made fun of him if he knew. "Don't laugh, shit ain't funny."

"I'm sorry, Ronni. It was automatic."

"Already deal with the damn accent, now you wanna get sexy on the phone. Ugh, I don't like men." Ty scoffed, Marq laughing a little more at that. He stared at Ty with nothing but absolute love in his eyes, the grin on his face turning into a lovesick smile.

"Fez! Come learn how to cook!"

"Man, I know how to do a lil somen."

I don't know what's funnier. Ash stuttering almost every time Bambi addresses him, or his face when Fez made gumbo for them later that week.

"....you trynna kill me?"

"Bro just shut the fuck up and eat it." Fez groaned, Ash skeptically watching as he ate his own bowl before finally trying it.

"....this a joke? You made this? I'm tastin flavor we ain't even got." Ash said, Fez smirking and looking up from his bowl. "Gotta be store bought."

"Nope, sat here and made it before I got you. Bambi gave me some more stuff."

Bambi also grows some spices herself. I'm tellin you, that girl will grow anything she can.

"I shoulda known. Of course Bam gon' teach you how to cook." Ash said, shaking his head while filling up his bowl again. Fez laughed at that, Ash mocking him. "What's next? She gon' teach you how to dance?"


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