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He had to still be sleeping.

There was no way he was waking up next to Bambi right now.

Fez swore if he woke up alone in his bed he'd lose it.

"Alright Edward, you can stop watchin me now." She tiredly grumbled, her once peaceful expression now replaced with irritation. Bambi wasn't a morning person by any means. "Fez, it's too dark in here. I swear if I open my eyes and the sun is just rising you're never sleeping over again."

Fez cast a glance at her window, covering her eyes when she moved.

"Go back to sleep."

"Man, move. I'm hungry and I gotta pee again." She grumbled, pushing his hand off of her face and glaring at him. "What possesses you to wake up at the ass crack of dawn?"

"I went to the bathroom." He mumbled, laying back and wincing when Bambi turned on the lights. He wasn't going back to sleep either way, and now he knew she wasn't either.

"Papa, you hungry?" Bambi asked into the quiet of the hallway, Ty's door opening a few seconds later. Marq looked more tired than she did and it was easy to see that he wasn't a morning person either. "And coffee?"

"Please." He was whinier since he was tired, rubbing his eyes with a little pout. "Fix something for Ty too?"

"Mhm, he want orange juice or tea today?" Marq looked back before pushing the door open more, Ty's head popping out under his arm.

"I want tea and so do you Miss Ma'am." Ty said, Marq groaning and muttering something as Bambi laughed. "Shut up, Mar. I know who ordered us that uber."

"I'm so mad I can't go back to sleep." Marq grumbled, turning and heading back for the bed.

"He awake?" Ty mumbled, Bambi nodding as she went downstairs. He knocked (something he always does bc Ty respects ppls privacy) on the door, waiting for Fez to answer.

"Uh, it's open." He called out, a little confused on why they didn't just open the door after knocking. Ty popped his head in, a grin on his face as he waved him out of the room.

"Me and Bambi are having tea, you and Mar go talk about something." Ty said, grabbing his arm and practically throwing him into his room with Marq. Who glared at Fez as the door closed. "Mar, be nice!"

"I'm not supposed to talk to you, my therapist said it wasn't good for my mental health." Marq grumbled after a moment, going back to flipping through channels on the TV. Fez let out a snicker, covering it with a cough at the last second.

"Oh, you like these too?" He asked, picking up and empty bag of chips off of the floor. Marq nodded, settling on the kids channel before turning to him. "Basically got a whole section for Bam and Ty at my store."

"You're Frank?" Marq asked, his brows furrowing. "I thought Bambi called you Fez?"

"My name is Fez. Ty told Bambi that was my name too." Fez mumbled, a little embarrassed. Marq sighed, moving to make room for him to sit on the bed.

"Let's get to know each other, kid."

"-and I couldn't order the uber because...y'know? And out of nowhere he grabs my phone and goes 'I gotchu baby, it's okay.'" Ty burned his tongue, hissing as Bambi blew on her tea before taking a sip. She placed the cup down and went to the stove. "I was ready to risk it all."

"Whew, this is bringing me back to my younger days with Mar." Ty blissfully sighed, standing to grab plates as the food got closer to being done. "Boy my parents couldn't stand us. Especially since I was getting my back blown out more than they would kiss."

"You whore." Bambi gasped, swatting his arm as Ty laughed. "...wait cause no cause why did that remind me of the time I woke up to pee and heard the bed frame slam in your room? Sounded like a damn gunshot."

"I remember that. I started renting out hotel rooms so that wouldn't happen again." Ty recalled with a little laugh, Bambi shaking her head. "At least you ain't never walk in on yo daddy ba-"

"Ro I'm literally sick." Bambi whined before he could finish, grabbing a tupperware bowl and lid so she could save Ash some food. "Sometimes I wish we weren't so close."

"Aw, it's okay, bookie. If I can hear about yours, you can hear about mine." Ty pressed a kiss to her cheek. "MAR! FEZ! COME EAT!"

"You did not have to yell." Marq said as they walked down the stairs, Bambi sliding his coffee in front of him as soon as he sat down. "Bless you, my child."

"Mh- Fez! That's mine!" She whined when she noticed Fez drinking her warm tea, his eyes flickering to hers as he downed the rest of it.

"I know. You should make another one, that was good." He kissed her cheek as he took his plate from her, sitting down next to Ty. Bambi rolled her eyes, glad she had hot water left over from her and Ty's cups to make two more.

"This is your last time sleeping over." She grumbled, placing his cup in front of him as he smiled at her. "Don't smile at me like that, I'm tryna be serious."

"Hello?...it's okay, sweetheart, I'll come." Ty suddenly answered his phone, looking like he was trying not to laugh as he motioned for Marq to get up with him. "Food's still hot, you don't gotta worry, okay?...yeah, me and Mar are comin."

"Ash gon' kick yo ass." Bambi mumbled as they left, Fez shrugging before yawning. Then furrowing his brows because he was never tired after waking up around this time. "If you wanna take a nap you can."

"'M good." He rested his head on his hand, watching Bambi as she ate. He could tell that she was still tired, could even see it since her eye bags had appeared. "You still tired?"

"Mhm." She nodded, not wanting to speak while she was eating. He knew she didn't notice or else she would've stopped, but she started to dance a little while she ate. "If I was more of a morning person, I would marry myself. Be stingy."

"Don't blame you." He muttered, reaching out and pushing her bun back in place. His eyes fell onto the hickies he could see because her shirt was a little big, biting his lip as he fixed it for her. He still had a bit of food left on his plate, but it could wait.

"Hm, Ian give you a lot of bacon." She held a strip up towards him, moving back when he went to take it. "Nope. Say aaaaaah."

"Aaaah." He said less enthusiastically, Bambi smiling as she placed the bacon in his mouth. Fez shook his head, going back to fixing her appearance so she looked more alive. She looked dead tired, not normal tired.

(Fez doesn't know it, but Bambi woke up a few minutes after he went to sleep and stayed awake until Ty and Marq had fallen asleep. So her trip to the bathroom was actually her making sure her parents were okay and had water)

"What?" She stopped eating when he cupped her cheek, his thumb gently brushing against her eye bag as he stated at her.

"You so beautiful." She recoiled as if he'd burned her, her nose scrunching as she looked down at herself.

"I literally have syrup on my shirt." He shrugged, reaching out to caress her face again. Bambi squinted at him, eyes darting all over his face like she was looking for something. "Why are you touching my face?"

"Cause you got clothes on." He smirked when she gasped, Bambi wacking his leg and shaking her head before continuing to eat.

Fez didn't know it, but in that moment his conscience knew that he was in love.

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