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"Every time I see you, you always got a new somethin." Fez said when Bambi came into the store, a smile lighting up his face. It was a boring day, only five customers having come in.

"Don't lie, you like it." Bambi cheekily said as she walked over to him, giving him a kiss. She had a small rose on her neck, Ty having a matching one in the same place. "We got matching piercings too."

"Mm, new place?" She stuck her tongue out, Fez humming as he looked at the new piercing. "You and Ty?"

"Yeah, Quis is scared of needles." They both looked towards the door when it opened, their faces dropping when Nate entered the store. Bambi straightened up when she noticed where his gaze fell, looking behind him. "Chrissy!"

"Bambi!" Chris said, laughing as he spun her around in a hug. "Don't go corrupting our local dealer."

"Me? Never, I'm a good influence. Ain't that right, Fez?" They looked over at him, Fez twisting his lips to the side as Chris laughed. "Wooooow, we all know I'm a good influence."

"She almost taught my brothers how to make a pipe bomb."

"How the fuck do you know how to make a bomb?" Fez was taken aback, Nate rolling his eyes as he moved away from them. It was obvious that Bambi wasn't going to acknowledge his existence anymore.

"Listen, all you need to know is he's overreacting. It was a firework. I just had them make it in a pipe." She said, Fez's mouth dropping as Chris raised his brows. "I'm a very curious person."

"Honestly surprised she's not locked up yet." Chris said as he pat her head, Bambi scowling and shoving him away.

"I'm stopping Bully Bambi Sundays." (Just like they stopped the show 🤭) She grumbled, flipping both of them off when they laughed. "Men are so irritating."

"Aw, go cry me a river." Fez and Chris chorused, that being one of the many things Bambi had said around them.

Seriously, Bambi rubs off on everyone. I was starting my sentences with 'it's crazy how' for weeks because of her.

"It's crazy how y'all copy my lingo like that." Bambi said, hopping up on the counter. Fez wrapped his arms around her instinctively, placing his chin on her shoulder.

"Aw, it's nice to know someone can handle yo crazy ass."

"Get the hell out." It was nice seeing Bambi interact with someone she saw as her brother, it was like watching her interactions with Ty. Chris blew her a joking kiss, Bambi pretending to throw it away.

"Oh how you wound me, dear sister."

"Yeah yeah, blah blah blah." She said, waving him off as he laughed. He went outside to wait on Nate, who was taking a bit too long to grab a bag of chips and a drink. In reality, he was glowering at the fact that Bambi was relaxed in Fez's hold. "Imma buy this store, then y'all gon' have to let me pay. Cause technically I'll be the boss."

"Technically my ass, you still wouldn't be able to pay." Bambi giggled as Fez pressed kisses to her neck, pushing his face away as they smiled at each other. Nate angrily grabbed his chips, making his way over to grab a beer. Fez rolled his eyes and pulled Bambi off the counter, the teen staying quiet as she sat in the chair he always kept inside.

"A part of your job to flirt with customers?"

"$8.93." Fez's gaze was blank, Nate scoffing as he quirked a brow. "Cash or credit?"

"I should buy y'all some cute uniforms. Like, maybe the ones the Krispy Kreme workers wear." Bambi blurted as Nate dug into his pocket, Fez slowly turning to look at her. She could tell he wanted to laugh as he rolled his lips into his mouth, grinning cheekily at him. "You'd be so adorable."

"Uh, I'm tryna work here, ma'am." Fez sarcastically said, cracking a small smile when she snorted.

"What a rare occurrence." Nate slapped his money on the counter, jaw clenched as his face grew red with anger. "Oop, not someone getting jealous."

"He not jealous. He got somebody." Fez mumbled, shooting Nate a cold look.

"He's green with envy." Bambi sang, deciding to take a video of herself. She always did it at random times, almost always having someone in her background. "Ain't you the reason my girl got bruises? How is it that you're a free man?"

"They got the wrong person." Bambi raised her brows and blankly stared at him, knowing that he was lying. She wasn't an idiot and she didn't have to be there to know exactly who did it.

"So you're tellin me there's another woman abusing pussy walkin around in this town?" Fez's jaw almost dropped, managing to keep his composure as Bambi came and stood next to him. "Mm, unless iss ya child lovin dad, I don't believe it."

"What?" Nate nearly choked.

"Oh, yeah, I know ya daddy got a thing for little girls. I know a lot about yo family. And surprise surprise, Aaron's the only one doing good. Either that or I haven't found out yet." Bambi casually stated, Nate's jaw clenching again. He was angry, a feeling he never thought Bambi could get from him.

"Here's yo change, have a tolerable day." Fez finally spoke up, dropping Nate's change in his bag before pushing it towards him. "Bam, move yo damn hand. You smack my ass and we fightin."

"I got my sneakers on to- FUCK why you hit me so hard!" Right after Bambi landed one good smack on Fez's ass he smacked hers back, a little harder than what she did. Bambi punched his arm, dodging his hit and running out of the store. "I got all day now!"

"I can run a lil too!" Fez yelled as he chased after her, Chris laughing. Though he was laughing more at Nate's sour expression as he watched Fez tackle Bambi to the ground. "Mhm, got yo ass."

"Ah! Assault! Assault and batter- eeeee don't tickle me!" She screamed and laughed as he tickled her sides, Fez laughing with her as she tried to get him to stop.

"You're only hurting yourself watching them, man." Chris said, patting Nate's shoulder. He said nothing, starting his truck and speeding off.

"I-...I'm gonna pee!"

"Eeewwww." Fez said as he stopped, Bambi still giggling as he pulled her up. "Stop laughin 'fore you piss."

"I lied. Ha!"

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