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Third POV Fez when they first met

Fez was counting money, Ash going over inventory so they know what they're running low on. He barely glanced at the monitor when someone walked into the store, not too worried. He'd go up front when they were at the counter.

"Yo, Fez!" He sighed, placing the stack he had down and making his way to where Ash was. "You can open yo eyes now, ma."

"You sure? I do- I could close this for you." Standing there was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in this town, probably in his life. "There's- uh, I'm not go-"

"Wassup?" He decided that now was a good time to speak up, Ash looking over at him. Her eyes snapped open, zeroing in on him as she caught her phone from falling. She was still in the store, the light surrounding her almost like a halo. "She seen somen?"

"Sainte Mére de Dieu." She breathed, his eyes meeting hers. His brows rose a little, not expecting her to switch languages.

"Nah, she freaked and covered her eyes." Ash smirked a little, giving her a once over. He couldn't blame him, she was fine.

"Dad, I'll call you back." Her gaze never left his and for some reason, Fez liked that. "Uh, I was just....looking for the Arizona tea."

"Told you we should put some shit no one wants." Ash scoffed, making her look at him.

"Oooohhhh, cool tattoos." She said, leaning a little closer to him. He doesn't think she even realized it, but her hand started to reach towards Ash before dropping back at her side. "You're gonna be my reason as to how I'm not too young for tattoos."

"...you said you wanted tea?" Fez spoke again when Ash flickered his gaze to him, deciding to save his brother from embarrassment. Ash was lucky the lighting was low, or else she'd begin to see the pink of his cheeks. She nodded, stepping back into the store more as her eyes met his again.

"Yeah...yeah, the tea." She seemed to get flustered, looking down at her shoes instead. It was cute, in a way. "I'll just....go grab something else..."

"Nah, you good." His gaze followed her movements, a smirk tugging on his lips when he saw her shift a bit. He nodded at Ash, letting him know that he'd take care of her. He stepped out of the cooler, closing the door behind him as their shoes bumped. "My fault."

They were wearing identical sneakers, only hers had blue instead of green on them.

"It's cool, I'm a little close." She mumbled, her gaze still on the ground. He nodded, turning to see which drink she'd saw before heading to get it.

"This all you want?" He asked when he came back, holding out the drink as his tongue poked his cheek. He wanted her to at least pick her head up, it seemed like she was seconds away from folding in on herself.

"Autre que toi en ce- just a few more things." And fuck with the way she was switching between French and English, it wasn't enough time for him to reel himself in. She literally had the perfect voice, her words smooth and velvety as they left her mouth.

He decided to wait for her at the counter, peering over the aisles to see how close she was. When she made her way over, she was still looking down. But she was closer now, and the smell of her vanilla perfume wafted towards him like it was seducing him. Teasing him into coming closer to her.

"$6.71." She hummed, holding out a twenty for him to take. It made him notice her nails, which looked freshly done. (Bambi does her own nails). "New here?"

"Grew here. Coming back from....a vacation." She huffed a laugh, leaving him surprised that she actually responded to his question. And that she'd grown up here and he hadn't seen her before (yes you did, you were just high).

"Vacation?" He inquired, finding himself trying to get another glimpse at her face. Depending on how this conversation would go, he could either successfully get her number. Or he would have to wait for her to visit the store again. Either way, he wanted to remember her face.

"Basically. College isn't for everyone, apparently." She sighed, picking her head up to look at him. And holy hell was she stunning up close. "France."

"Bilingual?" Aka, 'do you actually know the language, or just a few phrases?' Or 'do you know any other languages?' But it was the first one.

"Had to be. Only a few people in that college spoke English." He didn't mind that she wasn't making eye contact anymore, as long as he could see her and she had her head up it was fine. (Basically he doesn't think she should have a reason to walk with her head down).

"What you went for?" He held out her change, leaning on his crossed arms when she took it. He was quite literally trying to imprint her face into his memory. But the only thing he could focus on were those two colored eyes. The brown and green complimented her beautifully, almost like they couldn't decide which one would actually suit her.

"Can't even remember. Had to do with a lot of numbers." She didn't wanna talk about college, he could tell by her joke. A smile graced her face, though, and it made her even more beautiful.

"Speaking of numbers, you think I can get yours?" He wanted to slap himself at the line, but it made her laugh either way. Her eyes dropped down to the counter, her smile turning teasing.

"Hmmmm, my dad said I shouldn't give my number to strangers." Her tone was lighthearted, her statement an easy way to get his name. He grinned, getting the hint and pulling his phone out.

"Fez." He introduced, sliding his phone into her view. She opened the message app, glancing at him for a second.

"Bambi." She said, picking his phone up to send herself a message. She locked his phone, placing it down before turning to her own phone to save his number. She smiled, phone buzzing in her hands. "Jeez, I've gotta go. My dad's gonna burst a vessel."

"There's this party later." He called out, Bambi walking backwards to look at him. "Think I'll see you there?"

"Maybe." She stumbled as she left, Fez shaking his head as he started to see the nickname.

"She's hot as hell." Ash said when he joined him at the counter, Fez lazily looking over at him. He raised a brow, Ash scoffing and nudging him. "You were thinkin it too, lame ass."

"No I wasn't, smart ass." He shot back, unlocking his phone to see what she'd sent.

like the deer?

yes, my dad has a sense of humor

He smiled at that, locking his phone before heading to finish counting the money.

"Man, you lucky I'm still a kid. Else, she'd be mine."

"Yeah, aight." Fez scoffed, rolling his eyes as Ash mugged him.

"I'm serious, she woulda been all over me."

"Bro you couldn't even look her in the face."

"Shut the fuck up."

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