Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 This is my battlefield

    ◎ Other teammates also felt inexplicably safe, and began to fart rainbows: "My sister is so sassy." "Hold your thighs tight!" ◎

    After entering, He Lengbai found out that this was a team match.

    Map: City of Decay

    This is a new game mode, similar to the game of stealing towers - in the first half, you have to attack the city and seize the territory, and in the second half, you need to defend your base.

    It not only pays attention to duel skills, but also considers coordination and team combat capabilities.

    He Lengbai had also played a lot of this kind of team game in "Valkyrie Gods" before. To put it simply, there must be a mage, a meat shield, a nurse, and an output.


    However, what was outrageous was that the team she was in turned out to be the same rookie account as her, with a single-digit level.

    On the opposite side, they are all big bosses with rank 7, and their levels are around 15, so it can be seen that the other party may be playing a trumpet.

    Except for her, everyone else is positioned as Yuxing.

    "Really, is Mengxin here to play this trick too?" The other side sneered.

    "Maybe it's the real Liexing." The

    gangsters all clenched their fists.

    He Lengbai sent a sentence directly.

    "You guessed right."

    Now, the other party was speechless.

    They want to see how capable this high-profile cutie is.

    Except for He Lengbai who broke in abruptly, everyone else was matched according to level, not according to rank, so occasionally there would be such a big gap.

    According to her previous experience, some players would hang up after the start of the game, which was directly equivalent to admitting defeat.

    I saw that the other party decisively went to collective output, zero nanny.

    Very confident.

    On her side, everyone started a private chat, obviously not giving up hope completely.

    "I'm good at being a nanny...Which one of you is better?" Youmengxin spoke weakly.

    Immediately afterwards, three different nanny-type mechas appeared in the team at the same time.

    He Lengbai suddenly thought of the scene where the three nurses were scrambling to heal each other.

    Seems like... nothing wrong?

    "Let me do the output." She said decisively.

    She didn't turn on the mic, but her teammates all spoke.

    "Thank you, little brother. Even if you can't fight well, we won't blame you. The opponent is too strong."

    He Lengbai smiled. She is not a little brother, after all, her name is too wild.

    But she just likes this unscrupulous feeling.

    "Don't worry, I'm here."

    Then she said.

    "Take it as four guarantees and one. One milk is replaced by a shield, and the other milk is closely followed. Follow my brother and keep you in the upper rank."

I, Mecha Queen, Across the PlanetWhere stories live. Discover now