Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 "Flo Sky Garden" ◇

    ◎Obviously let those deep pool-like pupils stir up ripples—it is very rare. ◎

    He Lengbai stood firmly in front of him, intentionally making him have no space to look away.

    Forced to face her face to face, his expression suddenly showed panic.     "If you have a clear conscience, you should look at me directly." She said, "What are you afraid of


Now he even avoided his own eyes.

    It is not without reason that he is in chaos in front of him.

    But Chu Yao looked at her.

    "I swear, I've never looked at you that way—even, I admire you."

    Chu Yao said, "But my family, in front of your planet, is destined to be sinners."

    The flickering light in his eyebrows gradually dimmed.

    "I treat you differently - but you have such a clear love and hate, with such a history, even if I say that I am on your side, it is unbelievable after all." He stretched out his hand, but after all, he didn't After touching her, she withdrew her hand again, "Then you can choose to leave before I start to feel sad or attached." Her

    voice was hoarse, but her tone was still deliberately emphasized.

    Stubbornly turned his face away.

    "Why do you think I just give up like this?" She said coldly, "Or do you think I didn't know something from the beginning?"

    Chu Yao was slightly taken aback.

    "I have known for a long time that Zhou Xing intends to conquer my planet." He Lengbai said, "So, this is one of the reasons why I want to become stronger."

    He saw that He Lengbai did not leave in the direction away from him, Instead, she still stood there, with a free and easy expression, as if she had already understood.

    "I've thought about this from the very beginning. I'm afraid that your planet will be like Yuxing... In the end, it will only devour and oppress this place.

    " That 's a little bit."

    "What's more--if something like this happens again one day." Her gaze darkened immediately, "I will definitely... definitely take you as my prisoner of war."

    Her tone was light, but There was a subtle ruthlessness.

    At that time, he and she were destined to be enemies.

    She will not let him go.

    Chu Yao said, "If that time really comes, you can kill me."

    His attitude was more resolute than hers, straightforward to the point of frightening.

    He looked straight at her, as if to convince her that he had no other intentions.

    "No, at that time, I will consider sparing your life for the time being and imprisoning you well." She couldn't help smoothing his broken hair, "Maybe I will feel better one day, and I can let you be my girlfriend." servant."

    Suddenly, there was a feeling of... keeping a puppy.

    He looks away.

    She turned against the customer.

    Is she sure that she will lose to her?

    But... She is so confident, it seems that one day, even she will be far behind her.

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