Chapter 119

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Chapter 119 The End of the World (Part 2) ◇

    ◎This is the highest end of the list. ◎

    Four years later.

    She walked through the long corridor, her long black hair hanging down her waist, and the cloak behind her had dark golden patterns. Flanked by her men, they nodded to her.

    They wanted to call her that title, but she never got used to it.

    She walked to the end, overlooking the entire city-state.

    This is the top end of the list.

    The moat is sprinkled with gold leaf, the streets are well-organized, and someone is rowing a boat in the river.

    The sightseeing airship cruises in mid-air, the floating buildings towering into the clouds, the spiers are interspersed among the green plants of the garden, and there is not a single shabby corner under the eyes.

    They call it the Empire, they call it the Miracle, they call it the strongest planet in the galaxy.

    Only she knows that everything is not just that simple.

    It used to be a dilapidated, poor, unbearable, and backward planet. The slums were close to each other, and online mecha advertisements were everywhere, but everyone lived very poorly, and some people picked up canned food on the street.

    It's impossible to talk about a planet being strong in such a short period of time.

    It is even more impossible to become the strongest in the galaxy.

    Of course, the strongest - is the future that the high-dimensional ethnic group can see.

    That future is near.

    Since the coordinates of this galaxy were exposed, the era of chaos has come, wars, alien invasions, resource shortages...even destroying a planet.

    No race could invade the belt of planets that the stars just migrated to.

    It's like being destined in the dark.

    Liexing has already accumulated agricultural greenhouses before, coupled with superior climatic conditions. Now there is plenty of food to survive this "chaotic century".

    With a stable situation and abundant resources, Liexing seems to be stuck in the dark underground for too long. Once there is a chance, it will develop with all its strength.

    However, other planets in this galaxy are not so lucky.

    Each planet is facing a shortage of resources, shortage of minerals, lack of food resources, and even sudden climate change-but the area where the stars are located still maintains a stable planetary environment.

    Many planets had to come from afar to negotiate peace with the stars, trying to obtain resources in a peaceful way.

    Of course, they also thought about occupying the Stars, but unfortunately they were wiped out.

    Near the stars is a singularity of space folding, and those warships that were ambitious to find out, all disappeared inexplicably.

    This is a position that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It symbolizes infinite vitality, but only Liexing occupies it.

    And since then, no other planet can migrate here.

    They hoped that Liesing would know how to cooperate. After all, Liesing was still a backward planet in their eyes.

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