Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 Turns out to be a Treasure Planet◇

    ◎"The hot blood of the Liexing people is flowing in the Liexing mine - I just don't want Liexing to make fearless sacrifices, so I made this mech.

    " Just hand it over to Yuxing, but sell it to people on other planets, you can earn more, and even get rid of Yuxing's control.

    Unexpectedly...the interstellar pirates in front of you want to directly purchase the minerals of the star?

    Hey guys... is this a straight up deal?

    50,000,000 Star Coins...

    In a district of Liexing, the residents can only earn a hundred thousand Star Coins a year by working poorly... The entire Lexington's annual income does not exceed 10 million Star Coins .

    Even the owner of the Seabuckthorn Internet Cafe, after deducting costs such as electricity bills, facility maintenance, storefront fees, and tax deductions from his annual income, he only has 800,000 star coins left.

    Under the control of Yuxing, not only the labor is cheap, but also taxes are deducted layer by layer.

    He Lengbai himself remembers those rich young masters and young ladies who went to the rich area of ​​Yuxing Center, they said that a few million is like pocket money, and the star coins thrown away in a day are worth as much as their stars for a year income.

    These are the huge capital and benefits obtained on the basis of Yuxing's squeezing of the stars.

    When you're walking with a load on your shoulders...someone has to be riding on your head.

    She looked at the astronomical quotation.

    At this price, at least District 14 can be refurbished.

    He Lengbai restrained his trembling heart.

    The pirate boss, Aman, untied her directly, and the interstellar pirates next to her were puzzled.

    Although their gang of interstellar pirates came from another galaxy, their respective planets have a problem of survival due to lack of resources, forcing them to become interstellar pirates to make a living, and earn enough money to go to other planets to continue their adventures.

    But at the same time, they are not short of money. Many looted treasures and gold are invaluable, but they can't get what they want, so they have been wandering in the galaxy.

    Hearing what He Lengbai said... Liexing is simply an invisible treasure planet with abundant mineral resources but not fully developed.

    But that being the case, why is their planet still so poor?

    But their leader Ke Leman believed in He Lengbai's words at this time.

    If his original home had some mineral resources, it would probably be very different.

    Although interstellar pirates earn more, who wants to wander in an alien galaxy for the rest of their lives?

    Kollman thought of his own planet, which is like spring all the year round, still retains rare ancient plants, and has a miraculous Tianshan Garden—if it wasn’t for their planet’s president’s eagerness for quick success in the later period, he would lose everything to support the development of the planet in the next ten years Now he is still living a peaceful life where he can support his family by planting flowers.

    Because the interstellar spiritual plants they cultivated absorbed most of the nutrients, the energy stored in the underground ores was also severely lost, and the only ores that could work were rare ores like modongite.     In the beginning, he was an interstellar pirate, and he was just looking for such a rare ore, but one galaxy after another passed by, and Kollman's heart became more and more tired. He found that his wish was still in vain, and he had no intention of returning to the planet. .     In the end, it is still practical to do some improper behavior with the brothers and earn some extra money.     "You... do you really have all kinds of ores?" Seeing Ke Leman's determined eyes, the others also asked.     "If you keep your word and the quotation you give is reasonable, it is not impossible to sell you rare ores." He Lengbai said pretendingly indifferently.     Her nonsense words are upgraded layer by layer, and all the bets are that the foreigners have a half-knowledge of the galaxy, so she dares to speak nonsense.

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