Chapter 64

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Chapter 64 Trial◇

    ◎"I'm just telling you. What you're after is nothing but a phantom." ◎

    He Lengbai came up with a sword step and directly dismantled Xu Huaifeng's wing.

    This time, her attack did not give in at all—Xu Huaifeng resisted not being attacked by her again, but fell to the ground again.

    Without the flight function, Xu Huaifeng's mecha has no possibility of escape. She hastily lowered the matching degree of her mecha to slightly offset the pain of her limbs being crushed!

    At this time, there were only fifteen minutes left in the game, and Xu Huaifeng thought angrily, did she not care about winning or losing? Or are you sure that you really have no power to fight back?

    Xu Huaifeng pressed the emergency mode - she still has one last trump card!

    That is the self-destruct device, and the other party will die together.

    This is a special function of the "Green Bamboo" mecha. In the past, it was even used as an attack support type mecha, which could charge into the battle for teammates to kill first.

    Of course, the self-detonation device used in the arena will only be the self-destruction of the mecha shell, but it will still trigger a chain reaction.

    The self-explosive device will not directly cause casualties of the driver, but basically as long as it is activated, the mecha will not be spared, and the opponent's mecha will not be spared as long as it is close to itself.

    At this time, it is crucial to activate the ejection device-to allow her to escape.

    He Lengbai approached again, but she found that Xu Huaifeng suddenly subdued, did not struggle, and let her handle it.

    At this time, the holographic arena where the game is located has quietly changed, from an ordinary green field to a swamp. As long as the players stay in place for a little longer, they will be sunk into the ground by the suction of the map. This is the penalty effect brought by the length of the battle.

    He Lengbai suddenly felt that he was not interested, and left her where she was.

    Xu Huaifeng's mecha kept sinking, and she felt dizzy and nauseous in the cockpit. It turned out that He Lengbai had already removed her anti-seismic device. Even if she didn't do anything, she had to endure the feeling of sitting Bumps on overloaded vehicles.

    She suddenly discovered that her mech had been dismantled to only the simple frame and cockpit.

    Only when the light-blocking material on the front was lifted, she herself was directly exposed to the gaze of the audience in the arena—the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Although she was not as good as He Lengbai, He Lengbai made her lose all face.

    While He Lengbai was not too far away from her, she suddenly rushed forward with all her strength and pressed the self-destruct device at the same time.

    He Lengbai realized something was wrong in an instant, and walked away directly. She was as light as a swallow, and she was directly ten meters away from her.

    But Xu Huaifeng discovered that there was something wrong with his ejection device!

    The ejection device error rate of all the combat mechas on the market reached 0.001%, but just now half of her mecha was scrapped by He Lengbai!

    After the self-explosive device was activated, due to the direct necrosis of the heat dissipation system, all the energy was flushed back into the mech—

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