Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 The planet does not take off, the boss is sad◇

    ◎It’s not that they are useless, and it’s not that they don’t want to make progress, but the colored glasses of the outside world, like a cage, trap their hearts, as if denying all their possibilities. ◎

    He Lengbai is holding two miniature mechs in the simple mech warehouse at this time, and is conducting "simulated actual combat training".

    As for Zhou Chaoran ignoring her, it doesn't affect her much. Now He Lengbai has picked out a few other potential younger brothers from the gangsters, and he can start a small talk himself when he has time.

    Prior to this, the materials for making some mechas were found by gangsters on her behalf, and some of them already knew the basics of making mechas.

    It's just that she still has one more urgent task now -

    the preliminaries of the All-Star Mecha League have come to an end, and there are still two months to the finals, but she still has a competition during this period, which is the Century Mecha League that Jing Xing will participate in.

    The Century Mecha League is a mecha league within the scope of Yuxing, but it is also a very high-level competition.

    Just before the second round of the All-Star Mecha League.

    Jing Xing's participation in himself is equivalent to public execution, but the elders of his family excitedly signed up for him.

    He Lengbai didn't know for a while, why he was asked to participate in the competition when he knew that his descendants would be rubbed against in the arena. Could it be that these veterans have a tendency to be abused?

    Could it be that they just want to see his little progress?

    However, He Lengbai has already agreed to Jing Xing, and she will definitely help him show off.

    It's a pity that I only had enough money to buy a second-hand mobile armor, and Lie Xing didn't have enough space for actual combat exercises.

    So she made two miniature mechas and played simulated battles on a small sand table.

    He Lengbai also thought about it, she could have come back later and stayed at Jing Xing's house for training at the mecha base, but recently the elders have been paying attention to Jing Xing frequently, and they are a little suspicious of him, because his recent mecha homework has been completed very well very good. If she appeared there, nine out of ten she would be exposed.

    Besides, it is difficult for her to find a sense of belonging in Yuxing, a place she is not familiar with, not to mention that the cost of living is indeed a bit high.

    He Lengbai lowered his eyes.

    In the end, she really couldn't give up here, even if this poor planet doesn't look like a place where people live at all.

    Water seeped slightly from the four walls of the rough house, and there was a damp breath.

    It has been almost a month since she came to this world, but her living environment is still so embarrassing.

    She won a bonus of 10,000 star coins in the preliminaries. In addition, minus the travel expenses, there is also the money for the second-hand mobile armor. Jing Xing must pay the fee. She just has 100,000 star coins now.

    Whether the money is used for education or the construction of Liexing, it is just a drop in the bucket.

    Even if she can make money online, she only gets 3,000 star coins for one win, and there is a limit on the number of times she can earn up to 10,000 a day.

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