Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 People are proud of the planet, how about you? ◇

    ◎"Hehe, the weakest planet challenges the strongest planet." ◎

    At this time, the Seabuckthorn Internet cafe was overcrowded, and there were crowds of people in front of the big screen.

    The Internet cafe was basically blocked, and even the police station was mobilized.

    In the past, for such important matters, Lie Xing was pure soy sauce. But this year is different, there is a decent mech master among them.

    What's more, especially after He Lengbai's Guangwei account became popular, at the same time there are countless pairs of eyes watching the only player in their ranks.

    However, Lie Xing finally produced a mecha player who can be a face, but he only passed the first level of the All-Star Mecha League.

    Scorpion and Mohawk nervously crushed and burst the jars of nutrient solution, as if they had come to the arena in person instead of the boss.

    Under the broadcast on the star network, I saw that the competition venue was still an online mecha base, but it was huge and boundless.

    The high-tech facade made of space metal, together with the extremely high dome inside, form two words: style.

    At this time, the AI ​​host of the live game spoke.

    "The second round of the preliminaries of the All-Star League begins. There are a total of 3 million players, and only 10,000 can win!"

    "This year's season adopts a new competition system, and all players will get their own 'scores' according to the points of the previous round."

    " This score is the score obtained by other people for killing players. The higher the ranking in the previous round, the higher the score."

    "For example, if you have 300,000 points, it is not only the points you own now, but also the points that others killed. The points you get."

    "Similarly, once you are killed by others, your points will also be deducted by 100,000 points. "

    So, especially the top players, you have to be careful not to let such a high score fall into the hands of others." "

    "In a unit of time, the points obtained will be weighted according to the ranking and the ranking of the first round to determine the final shortlist."

    "Then, the competition begins!"

    All Star Network is broadcasting the second round of preliminaries at the same time.

    This round of competition system is even bolder than previous rounds.

    Comparable to field battles, everyone can freely choose their opponents.

    You can seek stability and beat opponents with lower scores to ensure that you can win.

    You can also be bolder and directly hit the high score, once and for all.

    At this time, the game gave an order.

    Quite a few people acted first, snatching away the mid-level players first.

    Sitting in the cockpit, He Lengbai has already entered the holographic environment.

    Before she could react, she saw that the players on the list in front of her had switched their states to "Dueling" one after another.

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