Chapter 91

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Chapter 91 Redemption◇

    ◎He is always so good at restraining himself quickly. ◎

    Police station, interrogation room, He Lengbai did not expect that he broke into the scene.

    "But we still suggest..."

    "Enough." He said, "I have the right to intervene in the name of the Military Commission, and the trial will be terminated. Otherwise, I can report your violations to the central government."

    The military behind him The police also followed and took her away.     ——She saw the figure in front of her

    .     That was Chu Yao. Four years later, he was so quiet. In front of her, she couldn't see his emotions clearly.     He directly took himself to the military management office to go through the handover procedures, the military police followed her with falcon-like eyes, and He Lengbai couldn't breathe.     From standing in front of her, Chu Yao gradually slowed down and approached her.     But he didn't say anything after all.     "General, we can do the work of handing over the prisoners."     His subordinates looked a little wary.     "I came to hand over in person, and all the details have been handed over to me. I already have the right to execute."     "Her crime has been determined, and she will be convicted directly after the handover. General Chu Yao, please remember your mission. The General Administration does not allow it. " She escaped again, as early as three years ago, she should have been executed." There     was no ups and downs in his face.     "If something goes wrong, then they can dismiss me, or even imprison me for life."     ...     She was very surprised, when he said that sentence, the content was obviously shocking, but his voice didn't fluctuate at all.     Immediately afterwards, she boarded his spaceship under the scrutiny of others.     The other military police who transferred her also followed behind her.

    He Lengbai felt like a prisoner with the highest level of danger. They sent people to guard him at all times to prevent him from escaping.

    As if he is a time bomb, if he is not careful, he will endanger the entire interstellar world.

    Human nature, darkness... She finally realized what the abyss that the Zonghuang said was like. She saw it with her own eyes, tried all her abilities, and was brave, but what she got in return was the shame of being invaded, plundered, trampled, and smeared by them.

    In her heart, there is now an unresolved pain.

    If this is her future, then even her expectations for the future have disappeared.

    All this was absurd, but then, she didn't even have the courage to know the reason.

    I am afraid that I will not be able to escape such a fate after all.

    Scared of herself...

    she couldn't think.

    Can't shed tears here, this is her last strength.

    The hatch closes.

    Chu Yao's face was gloomy.

    She didn't dare to speak either.

    She didn't want him to appear in front of her - if the person who transferred her was someone else, maybe she could still laugh it off.

    She felt a little ashamed.

    If she is a war criminal, then he is the policeman escorting her to the execution ground.

    This was the first time she had met in this way.

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