Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 Hell Start ◇

    ◎At this moment, the other party directly activated the force field, directly pulling her over, and the long and sharp claws of the mech directly dunked into He Lengbai's energy core! ◎

    At this moment, the entire optical network is watching the duel between He Lengbai and Leighton Noyce with bated breath.

    There were sections where different players faced each other in the live broadcast room, but this batch of everyone flooded into the duel field between the two of them, and the number of spectators was as high as 80 million. Every bystander carries the planet he belongs to.

    Much more lively than the live audience.

    The Sirians couldn't help but support Noyce in the barrage. After all, Noyce is one of the prides of their planet, talking about his achievements.

    Among the Yuxing people, the most people look down on He Lengbai—they also slander her badly in the barrage.

    Zhou Xing people don't like the personality of Sirius people who are bright when given a little sunshine, and they also dislike Yu Xing people who dislike the poor and love the rich. They do the opposite, saying that He Lengbai will definitely win.

    The barrage began to tear apart...then they started to bet on which planet had the worst vision.

    At this time, they didn't realize that there were many people with "the planet they belong to:?" in the live broadcast room. They were like guests who entered the venue silently, their identities were unknown, as if they were taking in all the battle situation in the dark.

    On the other side of the arena, the situation has already made everyone nervous.

    He Lengbai's mecha is a light mecha named "Fengchi", its wings spread out like insect elytra, but the opposite is a heavy mecha that looks oppressive, with chainsaw blades and chainsaws on its side .

    The 1V1 competition system is different from the past. Players can choose different types of mechas blindly before going on stage, that is, they can choose one of five random mechas without knowing which type of mecha the opponent will choose.     As for whose mech is dominant in the end, it all depends on luck. The purpose of the competition is not for players to rely on the performance of the mecha to dominate, but the core ability of mecha combat.

    That's how it made the game more interesting——He Lengbai guessed correctly, with the opponent's strong physical strength, he would definitely choose the heavy mecha.

    The floating roster on the big screen has changed slightly, and the 1V1 duel with other players has quickly yielded results.

    At the same time, there seemed to be a few people missing from the huge projected screen next to which displayed all the players' information.

    The smoke of the battlefield has quietly filled the air, and many spectators have already started to gasp - they saw some players crying bitterly on the spot, so they had no choice but to go home.

    The psychological quality requirements of the final match are far higher than those of the preliminaries. When more than ten million spectators in the stands focus on the players, no one wants to be too embarrassed.

    However, the possibility of miracles in actual combat mechas is unlikely. Compared with flexible online mechas, actual combat mechas test the foundation of players who have always been steady and steady.

    Although, there are still many players who unfortunately lost the game because of their unstable mentality.

    Under such circumstances, He Lengbai didn't believe that her mentality would be stable. Although the mecha she chose was light, its attack power was weaker than that of the heavy mecha, and she still carried cold weapons!

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