Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 Interstellar Travel◇

    ◎Attitude, energy, everything... must be handled flexibly. ◎

    At this moment, after the opening ceremony of the second round of the competition, the waiting area of ​​the player training center has already exploded.

    The rules of this round of competition were beyond the expectations of all the players, and many players even retreated.

    The contestant actually came to the fore and sent them to other planets to compete.

    This difficulty is far higher than any previous competition.

    They don't know whether they will live or die in those strange planets - the weather, civilization, species, resources...all kinds of things are unpredictable.


    Optical Network also has different opinions on this game.

    First of all, the current main administrative units of β-galaxies are cosmic stars, cosmic stars, dwarf stars, and Sirius stars.

    But now, it is still facing the risk of alien invasion.

    Many people naturally think too much, going to unknown planets, without the blessing of their home planet, they seem to be completely exposed to the eyes of alien races.

    "I'm going to retire..." There was a boy with freckles trembling all over his body, "I've been to those deserted planets... There will be mutant races attacking people at night, and I almost lost my life."

    "A Planet After all, it’s huge—we might not be able to survive before we discover our opponent’s base.” Another girl with curly hair was also faintly worried.

    Exploring alien planets is a pastime that the interstellar nobles are keen on.

    But these rich young masters and young ladies who can afford interstellar travel know that not everyone can afford it.

    They know that the more unknown there is, the more invisible threats there are.

    And those players who have never set foot on a wild planet are even more timid in their hearts.

    "At present, the military forces of various planets have dispatched military mecha teams to ensure the safety of the players." Someone immediately comforted, "There is no need to worry."

    "They are the real mecha elite—" another player said, "If I were allowed to join the team, I would even give up the game."

    Others sighed inexplicably.

    On the one hand, they have an inexplicable sense of security, but on the other hand, they are envious and jealous.

    The mecha military team can represent a group of people with the most outstanding mecha capabilities on each planet.

    Many people enroll in the fighter mech department of top schools, eager to be selected.

    Unfortunately, this requires not only great effort, but also talent.

    And He Lengbai was suddenly summoned to the general office of the Zhou Xing Military Team just before the game.

    She has now become a member of the Yuxing Military Mecha Team, and she did not expect to have a mission so soon.

    At present, other players don't know about her joining the team.

    After all, it will definitely cause a lot of noise - He Lengbai thought with his toes, he knew that once those people found out, their eyes would poke him into a sieve.

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