Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 Hunting Time◇

    ◎Everything barren and pale, there are only broken walls and ruins, and wild roses bloom in the corners. ◎

    However, in the face of hundreds of millions of orders.

    Things are often not that simple.

    He Lengbai is deeply aware of Lie Xing's current situation.

    After announcing the real mineral reserves, Lexing may have greater benefits, even hundreds of millions of profits.

    But on the other hand, it also means that Liexing will suffer greater threats.

    Now that Yuxing has opened up alien galaxies, it has also attracted the attention of the aggressor family. Not only do all planets need military reserves, but they also need a lot of minerals.

    And Lexing just happens to be a backward planet.

    It's easy to say if they can reach trade equally, but Lexing doesn't even have the status to control the overall situation.

    Not to mention the quotation of minerals, the authority of the dock, the degree of openness of Liexing... These subtle differences may push Liexing into another fire pit.

    But this is a rare opportunity, He Lengbai immediately sent a message to Xiezi and Zhou Chaoran.

    The other party replied quickly.

    "That's very good... But, can we trust the people of Zhou Xing?"

    As expected, they still care about the past history, including Zhou Xing's ambitious conquest plan against the stars.

    But He Lengbai knew that according to the current development law of the interstellar world, no planet could flourish by itself.

    If you just stand still because of timidity, you will waste many opportunities.

    "We can improve the communication opportunities with each other first, and it will not be too late to make a decision at that time." He Lengbai said, "However, it depends on you, and you are the ones who control the mineral situation." There was

    a silence on the other side, He Lengbai felt the light she emitted, as if being watched by many star residents at the same time.

    "Boss, if you are sure that this person is reliable, we can think about it..." they said, "We have a small mine that can be shown to the other party."

    "We have established a mine management department. If the other party really It's okay to be sincere, but we need time to prepare."

    He Lengbai's eyes lit up.

    They have been working secretly.

    "Mr. Hausman... If you are interested, you can come to Liexing to see our minerals in person. In this way, both parties will understand each other better and have in-depth exchanges."

    He Lengbai said immediately.

    After all, Zhou Xing's wealthy businessman has strong economic strength, if he really wants to own minerals, he doesn't even need to negotiate with her. Perhaps, a private airship can invade without authorization.

    That being the case, there is no need for them to run away blindly - this is an opportunity.

    Opportunities are destined to be accompanied by risks.

    "Miss He, such a business opportunity is right in front of your eyes. You don't have to look forward and backward. You only need to provide a large-scale mineral, and you can make a lot of money." Housman said, "We are not the first This is the first time to cooperate with other planets."

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