Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 Domestication of Wild Smelly Brother◇

    ◎He Lengbai, in his eyes, is an out-and-out "liar"! ◎

    The preliminaries of the All-Interstellar Online Mecha League have finally come to an end.

    The ranking of the competition has finally been finalized without any objection.

    He Lengbai entered the second round of the competition without any risk - he stood out from the 30 million people and became the 10,000 finalists.

    This competition has once again become a hot topic on Xingwang. This time, the topic is even hotter than last time. Because in the end, the top 10,000 people among the 30 million people stand out.

    The "List of 10,000 people" who qualified for the finals of the All-Star League has long been reposted by various accounts on Starnet, first from the "Watcher Forum", a mecha ashes lovers forum, and then widely spread on Guangwei .

    Interstellar netizens who don't think it's a big deal have said that a new round of assassination lists has appeared again.

    Only this time, the list did not include the planet it belonged to.

    This makes the real identities of different nicknames a lot more confusing.


    The missing person, He Lengbai, opened Guangwei, which had not been opened for a long time, and found that she would be @ once every few minutes.

    "Aren't you very good? Now that the results are announced, why are you so silent?" Bar Jing A once again came to her latest news and lowered the bar.

    "You didn't even enter the preliminaries, right? If you see someone with the same name, why don't you hurry up and get some nicknames?" Bar Jing B also followed suit.

    Since He Lengbai announced his ranking last time, but was swarmed by all kinds of black people, and even his own planet was demoted to nothing, he never posted any news.

    It's a pity that although He Lengbai said many times that he didn't want to be cueed, but because others were among the 10,000 shortlisted players, they still took a fancy to this wild "my uncle".

    Last time she was forced to make a high profile and slapped a certain white Fu Meixu Huaifeng of Yuxing who had long occupied the popularity in the face, this time she was forced to become a hot topic again.

    The list of those who passed the preliminaries this time did not list the planets they belonged to. Although this "my uncle" only appeared once, anyone can do it. For example, in the preliminaries, a nickname can have more than 50 people with the same name.

    In the eyes of netizens on Xingwang, she is such a high-profile person, but she made no sound after she achieved results. She must have not entered the finals. This "my uncle" can only be someone else!

    "It's gone, I thought it was a once-in-a-thousand-year genius. He didn't even pass the preliminaries. It's a fortune."

    Looking at these booing comments, He Lengbai thought it was good, and she could prepare for the next game with peace of mind. one round. In the end, he killed everyone grandiosely and caught everyone off guard.

    Seeing that He Lengbai was silent, Xu Huaifeng even more brazenly posted on Guangwei, "Nickname: Maple Syrup Soufflé; final ranking in the preliminaries: 4762.

    Although He Lengbai is not satisfied with his "998" ranking, but look Seeing Xu Huaifeng's grades is reassuring.

    She has never met the other party, but Xu Huaifeng has become her imaginary enemy.

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