Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 Planet Leader◇

    ◎For the first time, there is a Liexing person to be the captain of the planet. ◎

    The open-air venue in the central city of Yuxing will hold the first round of election for the captain of the planet.

    And this is also the first time in history that there is a star star as a candidate for the captain of the star star.

    The election scene has long been full of voices.

    Yuxing police had to send a large number of guards to maintain order at the scene.

    Those who don't have a quota of audience at the venue directly plan to drive a flying hover car to overlook everything in mid-air.

    This is only the pre-selection stage, and the electoral districts are the three administrative districts of Yuxing.

    The first two candidates were radicals, and after their impassioned speeches, it was the turn of He Lengbai to take the stage.

    The optical network political live broadcast room has reached unprecedented popularity.

    The scene was also full of voices.

    And He Lengbai, who had been missing for a long time, finally appeared in front of everyone.

    When many people in the entire galaxy tried to support her and stand up for her——

    she appeared.

    It was as if she was willing to bear all the controversy and let the storm return to her.

    And they have been waiting for her for a long time.

    I saw her get off the special car carrying the candidates, under the spotlight, surrounded by private bodyguards.

    The audience at the rally exclaimed.

    They heard a lot about her heroic deeds, but once a real person appeared, everything in their minds began to go haywire, just like the protagonist in the story opened his eyes and woke up, which always made people feel bewildered.

    They had a lot to ask her, but finally, the moment she came out, they calmed down.

    She seems to have changed completely.

    The jet-black long hair has been ironed and smoothed, flowing with luster.

    The chiseled face has a pair of slightly raised eyes.

    The lips are pursed.

    And combined with the navy blue suit she was wearing, the ironed corners made her wild and flamboyant temperament a lot restrained.

    Solemn, solemn, deep.

    But it seems——she hasn't changed.

    She turned a blind eye to those who booed among the crowd at the rally.

    She should have been timid. After all, it was the first time she represented the Stars to run against these well-known politicians and representatives, and the people present were even more famous and prominent families.

    And she is just a grassroots after all.

    In fact, He Lengbai was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

    She didn't fall asleep at all the night before, and she still hasn't thought about how she got to this point.

    But she knows that many people have faced threats and accidents for her voice.

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