Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 I'm sorry, I beat the light of your school

    ◎She can't... can't allow her light to be taken away by others at a critical moment. ◎

    Xie Yufei was full of spirits, so he immediately used another blow.

    He Lengbai suddenly closed his eyes.

    For her, the biggest problem with driving a combat mecha is not lack of ability, but psychological barriers.

    Because I haven't played before, I feel that I can't do it.

    She imagined that she was just sitting in the cockpit, piloting the line armor like before.

    Suddenly, she seemed to be standing on the field in person.

    The opponent's lightsaber will attack from the side.

    She was fast and ruthless, like a baseball player resolutely stretched out his hand, then squeezed, and then leaned to the other corner.

    Then the other hand moved forward, and even turned on the accelerator.

    He Lengbai originally wanted to show off temporarily, familiarize himself with the basic operations before getting serious.

    But the other party had already offended her, so she directly increased the energy consumption to the maximum.

    Xie Yufei noticed that He Lengbai's murderous intentions suddenly became serious, and he stepped forward and stabbed the chest mark of his mech.

    "The blue team and the red team each get one point!"

    The announcement rang out in the holographic arena.

    "Good guy, it's even a tie."

    "It's only the first half, I bet Brother Xie will kill him!"

    A curly-haired man in the seat suddenly stood up, his glasses reflecting the light.

    Those classmates who were eating melons and muttering suddenly avoided him when they saw him.

    "Mr. Zou...Ms. Zou."

    They felt very bad that this hell-level teacher, who had always been famous for his rigidity, actually got in among the students and watched the fight with relish.

    The juniors sitting next to him trembled, thinking that Teacher Zou was going to lecture them on their final grades.

    But when he opened his mouth, he said,

    "Well played." ——In the second half


    Xie Yufei's attacking style was obviously more aggressive.

    He was anxious to win, especially when he thought he could score another point, but was defeated by He Lengbai.

    And just now at the mecha material store, he was already overwhelmed by her.

    However, when he saw that He Lengbai hadn't even flown from the ground, he knew her weakness.

    He Lengbai was vigilantly looking at the rear and front mirrors, but he could only observe on the ground.

    But Xie Yufei quickly flew behind He Lengbai, and at this time used mechanical claws to hook her to him. Another blow.

    The key area of ​​the opponent's mech lights up - and he gets another point.

    There were warm cheers in the arena.

    "Let me just say, I'm sure I'm going to lose. Brother Xie's strength can't be compared to someone who doesn't come from a major."

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