Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 It's your fault to expose me◇

    ◎Jing Xing panicked while feeling a little guilty, He Lengbai backing him up felt like cheating. But when she said that, he also woke up. ◎

    In the first half, He Lengbai severely discouraged Wei Feiyu and scored a score of 4:1.

    5 points is the upper limit. Although Wei Yu is extremely strong, she is still overwhelmed by her.

    During the halfway break, neither of the two sides got off the mechs, and stayed on the field with each other. Even though there were staff members standing in a row with energy drinks and towels, they still stayed in the mechas. There was a suspicious feeling between them. atmosphere of silence.

    The audience senses the surging hostility that the two sides have towards each other.

    During the duel, Wei Yu became more and more merciless, and even stabbed the spear directly into the cockpit.

    He Lengbai originally thought that acting as a proxy should not be too ostentatious—after all, she is now on the account of Jing Xing, and being too crazy and strong can easily arouse unnecessary suspicion.

    The opponent's beating like this aroused her inner anger even more.

    In general mecha battles, most people will not directly attack the cockpit despite the steel shield.

    Although cold weapons are not as lethal as laser swords, they are quite sharp spears anyway. If it wasn't for her, Jing Xing might not only be beaten up, but even injured.

    What does he want to do? She wondered—could it be that she was driven into a hurry and wanted to get her, the driver, out and beat her up?

    And everyone in the audience couldn't help discussing that the duel between Jing Xing and Wei Yu was more reckless and bold than the duel between other contestants.

    There is a sense of tension—a real knife and a gun.

    What's more, they didn't expect that Master Jing Xing of the Leopold family has always kept a low profile, and he would become a blockbuster if he didn't make a public announcement. According to rumors, Master Jing Xing did not inherit any mecha talent, so he was hidden by the family elders.

    There are many people who are secretly waiting to see this good show-how the Leopold family will end.

    The Leopold family, which used to be a master of achievements, used to be mecha elites for generations, and they never seldom concealed themselves. Even their spiritual power levels were mostly A, or even S level.

    But Young Master Jing Xing has been unable to make a move for a long time, otherwise, why would the famous and famous family who have always been high-profile have to hide him?

    However, he made such a move - they were shocked immediately.

    Jing Xing's shot is even stronger than the son of the Mecha War Saint!

    Vincent on the seat was also stunned - he didn't expect Wei Yu, whom he cultivated carefully, to lose to Jing Xing completely in the first half.

    Moreover, the degree of matching between Jing Xing and the mecha, the mental power to control the entire mecha, and even his own martial arts skills. It was far beyond his imagination.

    Even he can't guarantee that he can skillfully use the bow | crossbow to attack the enemy while driving the mecha.

    Originally, it would be difficult for a person to use cold weapons, but Ke Jingxing was driving a several-ton mech, and handling such a thing that tested his savvy - he was very familiar with it.

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