Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 Our boss stands up for us◇

    ◎He Lengbai's heart suddenly suspends—this spaceship may also be the prison where they imprisoned her! ◎

    Zhou Chaoran clenched his fists and prepared to leave the warehouse to see what happened.

    "They came again, and forced us to go to that dangerous place again..."

    he murmured, his slightly red eyes were filled with raging anger.

    "Why do we Liexing people have to choose to accept and not resist!"

    He Lengbai held him back.

    I didn't expect that I was still looking at the college admissions information one second, and the next second came the bad news that Yuxing would increase the mineral tax.

    She is also a member of the residents of the Stars, although she is no longer a black household, but—sooner or later, she will have to be forced to mine.

    Sure enough...she gritted her teeth, the planet leader Pang Liang was going to strike at Liexing, and the levy of minerals was just the first step to torture the residents of Liexing.

    They must complete this mining mecha as soon as possible, otherwise someone will have to sacrifice for it.

    Zhou Chaoran saw her assemble the remaining parts of the mecha without saying a word, welded the key parts, and finally coded it by herself.

    In front of my eyes, there seemed to be a "mining mech" with a radiation-proof flowing water-type red casing, a ring-shaped machine window, and a controllable digging shovel. It was two meters high, and it felt stable but flexible.

    He Lengbai said, "Give me the latitude and longitude of the mine, and try it now."

    Zhou Chaoran hesitated suddenly.

    "First of all, we don't know whether a mecha made of anti-radiation materials can also resist radiation." He said, "A person can use anti-radiation crystals to block radiation, but such a large mecha may require more It is best to do more experiments."

    Zhou Chaoran once even wanted to use anti-radiation spar to make some mining jackets, but due to its high hardness, it cannot be used as clothes, and only mechas can integrate with this material.

    He Lengbai thought about it carefully, and saw that those people in the slums were suffering from radiation sickness before, and the radiation in the mine pit even caused lifelong damage to the human body. No one can afford this kind of price.

    These minerals could neither bring prosperity to the people of Liexing, but also caused them a lifetime of illness. And this mineral mecha is their only hope.

    The outside of the warehouse was full of noise and complaints, and many residents who opened small shops also closed their doors.

    They squeezed in front of the notice on the block bulletin board, cursing and complaining.

    "The 14th district of Lexing, the amount of minerals to be submitted: 1 ton." The

    faces of the residents of Lixing coincidentally showed anger.

    "1 ton! We have to stay in the mining area all day just to dig out 1,000 kilograms of ore."

    "This is how the old man in my family died... If the payment is not complete, some villagers will be arrested and imprisoned. "

    "Now I know why we Lesters are always scolded for having low mental power. It's definitely these ghosts who make us dig mines every day. Under the radiation, who can guarantee that we won't have deformed genes and won't have problems?"

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