Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Inexplicably being ridiculed

    ◎ From the moment He Lengbai got the script, he had already thought of thousands of retorting words. ◎

    He Lengbai's face changed slightly.

    "Pretending to be someone from the Lexing ghetto?"

    She didn't even have to pretend, she was a real Lexing person.

    She didn't expect the other party to be preconceived, thinking that she didn't belong there.

    However, He Lengbai has not shown his temporary ID card yet. He wears relatively high-end clothes, and his overall mental outlook is dignified, and his online mecha is very good. Naturally, he doesn't look like that person who came from a poor and backward place. .

    The other party was a live broadcast manager, she saw He Lengbai's eyes were a bit unnatural, and thought she wanted to refuse.

    "This is a script that our company has thought up. We didn't plan to disclose it to outsiders, but you probably have a good understanding of the live broadcast industry. Let's talk about it first."

    He Lengbai continued to read script above.

    "Script design effect"

    "Playing a trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, on the one hand gaining sympathy and gaining a lot of traffic, and then transforming into Yuxingbai Fumei, slapping the audience.

    " My character."

    "It shows that people's lives are difficult, but they play games at a high level, which can not only generate sympathy for the audience, but also achieve traffic."

    He Lengbai hesitated to speak.

    As if mocking her.

    Positioning Lie Xing, but making superb moves, and finally getting money continuously, successfully ascending to the position.

    This impure feeling made her a little sick.

    "Does this script have to be executed?" She asked suddenly.

    "For the effect of the program, it is best to follow the company's opinion. We also hope that the lady will adapt to the e-sports live broadcast as soon as possible."

    The agent lady replied politely without any ups and downs.

    "Actually, I can also understand why Ms. He is reluctant. After all, Lie Xing's identity is unbearable, but now everyone is tired of looking at the glamorous image, and it's not easy to slap the face of a certain master who positioned Lie Xing before." It’s hot, now this routine is popular all over the Internet.”

    “Besides, we’ll return to Yuxing in the end, and we won’t tie you up with Liexing.”

    He Lengbai’s mouth twitched, his tone revealing a little cold.

    "So, in the end, Lie Xing is just a tool to increase traffic?" The

    manager was a little stunned, and the other party's eyes obviously changed.

    "That's what I said... But we don't need to give Lie Xing traffic at all. Besides, the audience won't really want to watch Lie Xing's live broadcast."

    The moment He Lengbai got the script, he had already Thinking of thousands of retorting words.

    This is contempt.

    This is a mockery of the Stars.

    Even though she was just a full-level player who traveled through time, she couldn't bear the frivolity.

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