Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Do You Want to Be an Anchor?

    ◎He Lengbai's thoughts moved slightly... How many millions of star coins? She didn't know that the interstellar world also had such things as e-sports live broadcasts. ◎

    "It's just messed up here, right? The other nanny can ride on the face, what kind of a guy are you?"

    "The other side knocked us down with one output, are you sure you didn't hang up?" The

    gangsters finally came to their senses, and the other party suddenly became irritable Turning on the microphone is not scolding the opponent, but scolding the teammates for their incompetence.

    "If you really win, you shouldn't choose the Emperor. The accuracy rate is less than 50%, right? It's not your turn to blame your teammates." The teammates immediately retorted.

    "I was 1000 in the whole server last season, and I played like the Emperor, why not convinced?"

    "Hehe, in the first half, the level on the opposite side was able to occupy 50% of the base. Are you sure it's not your credit?"

    "Matching with you guys It's really bad luck." After the other person finished speaking, he left the room directly.


    She and her teammates actually tacitly took advantage of the other teammate's breath to sit firmly in the base like old dogs. But the time has come.


    "The two sides are tied, 1:1."

    The onlookers at the Seabuckthorn Internet Cafe thought they had read it wrong.

    A bunch of cute newcomers are matched with people in the sixth and seventh ranks per capita, but... a tie?

    They immediately thought about the conversation with the high-ranking player on the opposite side—"Hehe, the opponent's level was able to occupy 50% of the base in the first half, are you sure it's not your credit?"

    Gradually they came to their senses.

    A bunch of bosses saw that the opponent was just a few cute newcomers who were easy to lose, and only one output was reliable.

    It didn't go well in the first half.

    Now in the second half, the opponent has already won half of the game, and their mentality has collapsed.

    One after another began to feel ashamed, it was the teammates who let the water go.

    The other Starmen who were sneering and sarcastic just now looked at He Lengbai and dared not say anything.

    What kind of ability does she have to pull the whole team by herself?

    But why did such a person appear on the list?

    They took a quiet look at He Lengbai, her face remained unmoved, as if everything had nothing to do with her...

    it was the root of all evil.

    All of a sudden, friend applications kept flashing, and she hurriedly clicked on a few of them, all of which were new ones just now.

    Today's He Lengbai

    has a comprehensive rank: 4. The gangsters are a little bit greedy. Although this number is not high, it can almost be regarded as Lie Xing's current best level in the rank match, right?

    At this time, He Lengbaiqie returned to the hall, and there was a wonderful replay in the hall. At this time, her output resolutely became the MVP of the audience.

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