Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Death Game◇

    ◎"Bring her to see me." ◎

    Under the horrified eyes of the All-Star Mecha League.

    The list of more than 2,000 contestants at the scene turned into a "survival list".

    The suspended projection of the competition turned into a huge hourglass.

    The sand inside has not lost its hold over time.

    Finally someone understood that the sand in the hourglass is actually the "life" of the contestants.

    At first, many people took it for granted that it might have been a hoax.

    Until the fleet of warships passed directly over the arena, the deafening shock waves resounded throughout the arena.

    The militaries of all the planets immediately dispatched their troops, Zhou Xing, Yu Xing, and Pwarf Star each sent two aircraft carriers to the orbits of the ten planets where the contestants are located.

    Now everyone's heart trembled.

    It was used as chips—it turned out to be the lives of 2,000 players!

    But who really has the ability to resist a higher blood group? Who can survive this?

    Under the mental attack alone, most people are already hard to resist.

    There is not even suspense in this game.

    Even for the top players, how many of them can survive in a field dominated by Zerg?

    Some family members of the contestants fainted at the scene.

    The high-level leaders of several planets even held an emergency military meeting of the whole galaxy.

    They intend to join forces with the outside world, except that Sirius has not yet reached an agreement.

    The war factions on various planets are also extremely active, especially the elders of the Zhouxing iron-blooded military family, seeing that the Zerg has already appeared.

    All of them jointly signed a letter to the chairman of the Universe Star Planet, requesting to immediately assemble combat forces to form a defense line.

    "You can't interfere with this game, otherwise they will die faster." The deep voice sounded again in the arena.

    It seems to have been expected.

    Members of the military family also tensed up.

    They can't trust the Zerg, but the fleet they have sent is already around the player's planet.

    And the military may not be able to win this game, not to mention that most of the contestants are young people who have not been involved in the world.

    They can't sit on the sidelines, but they don't know whether intervening will aggravate the death of the players.

    Now controlling the field - is that terrifying alien group.

    They are warlike and ravaging, they have a stronger desire to conquer, and their ethnic groups are all over the world.

    Everything about them seemed to suggest that they could kill everyone at once - but they preferred to torture slowly.

    This is a kind of arrogant confidence in one's own strength.

    It is a kind of mockery to them who are waiting in full battle.

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