Chapter 93

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Chapter 93 This Is Not My Future◇

    ◎"You can't escape our prophecy, but you still have a new possibility—that is to die by my hands." ◎

    He Lengbai's eyes revealed despair.

    Seeing this future - she has no intention of continuing.

    She finally became the person she hated the most.

    Just because she has experienced the abyss, she wants to destroy everything about others—then how is she different from the villain?

    She would rather not have all this, even, she can end herself.

    "I want to end all of this with my own hands, and kill you by the way." The

    Zonghuang narrowed his eyes, he was already used to her tyranny - but now her eyes are clear, upright and powerful, as if she suddenly woke up.

    He smiled evilly, "But all of this is caused by you, my queen."

    "Zhouxing, isn't it also a planet that once conquered the stars?" Not only did he not waver at all, but he smiled a little "And I don't allow you to sink, you only care about him."

    Anger surged in He Lengbai's heart, and she stabbed the sharp tip of the crown towards his throat.

    But she remembered that this was the future world, and she couldn't make him disappear completely if she killed him at this time.

    The point is, she explores the future, and another purpose is to learn the truth as much as possible.

    She supported the wall so that she would not fall down because of the out-of-control emotions.

    She doesn't want to turn into an evil existence, she doesn't want to hurt innocent people, and she doesn't want to happen to the future she sees.

    She can't even protect the one she loves.

    This is called heaven? Or is she who is here already turned into a ghost?

    If another future is an abyss, and this future is an endless hell, she will lose even her only salvation.

    "Queen, our galaxy conquest plan has been sorted out, please go."

    The subordinates of the Zerg have already stepped forward.

    He Lengbai stiffened his precarious body and forcibly pulled himself together.

    Although she possesses great power, everything around her is watching her invisibly. As long as she shows a little weakness, she may be forced to abdicate.

    Her exploration of this future will continue - she can feel that everything around her is trying to seduce her, to lure her into a real queen.

    Extravagant life, the power of domination, she has tens of thousands of subordinates for her to control.

    They didn't dare to look directly at her, didn't dare to make wild guesses about her, and didn't dare to neglect her in the slightest.

    That feeling has never been there before, as if the world really centers on her.

    Her frown and smile implicated the lives of others.

    Everything is under control, she is the king of the empire, from now on she gives an order, and there will be thousands of troops rushing to the four directions with her will.

    In the end, she was able to kill like hemp, never to be indifferent again. She leans on the extravagant throne, and all interests are bowed down.

    He Lengbai needed to work hard to clear those evil thoughts from his mind in order to keep himself calm.

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