Chapter 74

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Chapter 74 The Final Battle◇

    ◎"I'm afraid that at this critical moment, other planets will use various excuses to take advantage of it. On the surface, it is for our own good, but in fact it is to spy on everything about our planet." ◎

    "Get out of here, immediately, don't let I'll say it a second time."

    Her voice was bone-chillingly cold.

    When she arrived, she saw Zhou Chaoran lying on the ground covered in blood, as well as those innocent residents.

    Something crackled and exploded in He Lengbai's mind, and the string broke.

    Sanity and order, so-called benevolence—was gone in an instant.

    On the opposite side is the Jingwu force of Sirius. There are ten elites, and there are twenty mecha soldiers at the same time.

    She has no chance of winning alone.

    But in the extreme hatred, anger - the next moment she had tightly held the leader's body under the mechanical arm.

    Before he could summon the mecha, his body was completely controlled by her, and his arms had already been crushed by her.

    As long as she pulls the mechanical arm slightly apart, blood will splatter, organs will shatter, and limbs will crack like stick insects, tearing apart into tissue-like existence.

    The rest of the elite members, Evans, Simmons, and Shao Wenbiao were shocked, and the rest of the team also froze.

    They didn't expect He Lengbai to come to this point.

    The residents in those streets all covered their mouths and exclaimed, but they didn't make any sound.

    Tears welled up in their wide-eyed eyes, but at this moment they were tears of deep gratitude.

    The mecha in front of them struck fiercely, but they knew that it was He Lengbai inside. The blood-stained steel body seemed to be plated with gold in their eyes.

    She was the hope here, and just when they thought she was gone, forever enjoying the glory and the spotlight—she was back.

    Let the leader of the elite inspection team directly sacrifice with blood.

    "Listen, He Lengbai, we are just here to patrol, and the residents here violated the law without authorization. You must submit all the information in the radiation zone to the Star Alliance, otherwise you will be judged to be hiding weapons of mass destruction here. "

    If you are like this, we can only count you as violently resisting the law, and your crime will be formally established!" The

    members of the inspection team said sharply, but they seemed to feel their voices trembling.

    "A high-sounding excuse." He Lengbai snorted contemptuously through his nose, "If you came to inspect with sincerity, you wouldn't aim your guns at them."

    Luo Lusen in her mechanical arm was crying in pain, and his arms suddenly The pain of being crushed is like a limb being ripped apart.

    His career in this life is over, without his arms he can no longer drive the mecha, he can only retire from the army.

    Unexpectedly, He Lengbai could control him so quickly before he summoned the mecha.

    He had lost his dignity, he had lost to a Starrunner, just when he had just given up on mocking this barren land for being all inferior races.

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