Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 Bloodline Suppression◇

    ◎"I may not be able to beat you in a mecha battle—but you can't escape this level." ◎

    Under the club boss's declaration of war, other club members couldn't help laughing.

    They happened to be the elite class students who were born in the combat mech class of the Zhouxing Empire Military Academy. And she, a half bucket of water who hasn't even received professional training, has the nerve to challenge them?

    He Lengbai will definitely kneel down and beg for mercy later, but she regrets it now, it's still too late.

    It's a pity that He Lengbai was indifferent to the ridicule in their eyes.

    Ji Lingjie looked at the "Super Star" mecha that He Lengbai had chosen.

    "If you can really control this mecha, then I won't stop you." He signaled other members to activate another mecha, "I will drive the 'giant' mecha."

    Other community members have learned the mecha creation illustration book , the "Super Star" mecha was created by a Master of the Universe Mecha, and the "Giant" mecha was another mecha master who was in the same company. , created a mecha that is said to be able to defeat the "Superstar".

    All in all, the mecha chosen by Ji Lingjie is to check and balance He Lengbai, and the challenges she has to face are more than a little bit!

    He Lengbai read the virtual programming code of her mecha when she came up - she could not obtain permission to modify it, if Ji Lingjie wanted to sanction her, the only thing she could count on was her combat ability.

    "Actual combat mecha coefficient: 0.90"

    "Other online mechas have full-level skills, waiting to be fully realized!"

    This reminder still sounded in my mind.

    He Lengbai's heart faintly ignited hope again, and there is still a small distance before her actual combat mecha reaches the full level!

    If it reaches "1", it means that her actual combat mecha is as strong as the online mecha.

    Even being beaten can be used as experience!

    "It's okay, let's fight."

    He Lengbai is not afraid of losing, but afraid of not being able to practice.

    Everyone looked at her in surprise, so, did she really not know that driving a mecha that was destined to be restrained was destined to be pressed to the ground and rubbed?

    "Then let's start!" Ji Lingjie saw that she was so forthright with a smile on his lips, and his expression became even more unpredictable.

    Next, inexplicably, just like the mech duel with Xie Yufei at Huanyu University last time, the mech base was empty, and many college students suddenly appeared in the auditorium.

    They were all students who had heard the news from the internal forum of the Imperial Military Academy. They heard that He Lengbai, that ignorant star-studded man, had personally challenged a top student of their school's Mecha Warfare Department.

    Everyone stopped what they were doing at once, even the paper king who was studying hard in the library and the training ground ran non-stop.

    He Lengbai looked at the densely packed auditorium, and suddenly thought of it inexplicably: Human nature is to eat melons.

    Fortunately, she prepared in advance this time, put on the mecha combat uniform, and jumped onto the mecha.

    The breathing lights of both mechas are on.

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