Chapter 87

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Chapter 87 Great Evolution◇

    ◎Unexpectedly, her human body could not bear death, but she still had one last choice. ◎

    "You're crazy, how could we kill the Zerg!" The others grabbed Zhou Chaoran who had already collapsed, "Don't be arrogant, she has tried her best..." The

    others couldn't bear to continue, and each of them It sank and fell suddenly, and the vision was a little blurred.

    She's really, really gone.

    Originally, the live broadcast of He Lengbai's team was already dark, so they had a vague premonition.

    It is already the greatest miracle that such a person can come out of Liexing.

    She has a cold face and a warm heart, with a little arrogance in her stubbornness, but she thinks of others in her heart.

    She could have gone away tomorrow, but she still wanted to come back, to justify their names, and to bring them new opportunities.

    They remembered that she never forgot to mention this planet in public, this planet that had obviously brought her many misfortunes.

    Her qualifications for the competition were almost disqualified because she was a star black household, how many times she was ridiculed because of her planet.

    She had an extraordinary talent from the beginning, but because of other people's stereotypes of this planet, she had to work hard, and finally reached her current height.

    She shouldn't have endured all of this. There should be a powerful planet behind her to match her pride and self-confidence.

    But she let the light shining on her penetrate her and projected on everyone in Lie Xing.

    They have already promised that they will fulfill the development plan they have formulated. Everyone needs to work hard in the relevant field, otherwise, they are not worthy of being a star.

    And when each of them finally found their own direction, when Lie Xing just started, she was gone.

    The people in the Internet cafe gradually dispersed, and many of them were paralyzed and could not even walk.

    After all, she is just a mecha genius, but the Zerg's ability is far beyond this.

    On the day of the stars, the lights of the entire planet were extinguished.

    Silent, silent mourning—but they couldn't let them feel relieved after all.

    And everyone stayed up all night.

    The night's watch missed the bell, and they heard the death knell.

    Something has destroyed the last line of defense in their hearts.

    Neat streets, high-tech infrastructure, verdant green plants, carefully planned agricultural greenhouses... Liesing is no longer the same.

    But those didn't seem to matter anymore, because they knew she was gone.

    She didn't get to see all of this growing up.


    The scene of the game, the territory of the Zerg.

    "We can't find it here either! We've been searching for two rounds!" The other team members said, and then communicated through the walkie-talkie, "There's no need to waste time here, there aren't any survivors here!"

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