Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Falling just by looking at it◇

    ◎"May I ask... who are you?" She mustered up her courage. ◎

    He Lengbai has never experienced a two-person mecha, and he doesn't know that there is such a way of playing.

    Slightly different from the immersive cockpit used in Internet cafes, this two-person mech has a game background setting. Players need to continue to explore the map in another world to get rewards. Connect with holographic games through immersive headsets.

    She raised her eyes, and instantly entered the virtual environment in the game: the huge world tree stands on the majestic continent where four seasons appear at the same time, and the green leaves flutter in mid-air.     Only a floating panel pops up in front of you, and you need to choose a different mecha character. There are also columns, guns, reloading, cold weapons, defense, terrain, sea, land and air on the screen.     He Lengbai found a mecha type that he was best at to start the game, and sitting beside him, he quickly chose the complex mecha "Kuroshio" that He Lengbai dared not play.     She couldn't help but take a look at it. After the two parties had chosen their roles, they entered the practice area. The other party looked like a mecha, testing weapons against the wall.     The body of the "Kuroshio" mecha is a bit humanoid, the mechanical legs are relatively fit and slender, and the arms are strong and powerful - He Lengbai doesn't know if he is used to being a king, even the mecha feels pretty.     Immediately, a blood bar, item bar, and teammates' blood bars and portraits appeared in front of her eyes.     He Lengbai wanted to try what it was like to fight with him, but she gave up the idea after the other party randomly threw a dart and disabled the robot at a distance of 20 meters.     At this point, the field of view is enlarged, and different modules of the map are available for selection, and relevant information will automatically pop up for the selected one.     But He Lengbai suddenly remembered that asking the restaurant for free is to clear the entire dungeon, they just choose where to start.     "This map has six modules, and you can change to a new mecha every time you reach a new module, but the exploration module cannot be switched midway, so..." He seemed to pause on purpose, "It depends on your eyesight gone."

    His magnetic and deep voice came to his ears. After all, they were fighting in two, so they could still maintain a common voice.

    He Lengbai raised his eyebrows, so he was testing her?

    She looked at the information of each module of the map. [Difficulty: Medium, Terrain: Mountainous, Monster Difficulty: Four Stars] Besides that, she chose it without any other information.

    "I may not be as good as you, but I will definitely not hold you back." After being selected, He Lengbai said. The other party just chuckled.

    Their mech landed on the mountain, still on a steep slope. He Lengbai just stepped on a rolling stone and almost fell headfirst, but was pulled back by the mechanical arm of the opponent's mecha.

    She still didn't know that besides punching and kicking, there could be such a friendly interaction between the steel mechas, which are often two or three meters high.

    Immediately, a mutated winged beast flew over from a distance, like a skinny giant bird, with only black eye sockets left, and sharp poisonous needles under its wings.

    As soon as he raised his wings, he shot poisonous stingers directly at them.

    He Lengbai directly leaned over to avoid it, and rolled down by taking advantage of the terrain. And beside him, he directly barked and shot darts, one of which blocked the poisonous stinger, and the other made the two-meter-long flying winged beast crash to the ground.

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