Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 PK with Dwarf Star Popular Male Anchor ◇

    ◎ So even if she played well in the actual combat mecha, she was recognized by the master, and there was no way to prove that she was among the top 1,000 in the preliminaries? ◎

    He Lengbai fell silent while looking at the hot topics on Guangwei.

    But the first thought in her heart turned out to be.

    ...One hits ten, isn't it too underestimating her?

    But looking at the bottom of this topic, there is even a passer-by fan confessing.

    "I rebelled. From now on, I am a fan of Mr. He, who speaks on strength!"

    "This sister is so sassy, ​​why do I start to blush and feel hot when I feel cold about mechas..."

    "Tips from upstairs Pants."


    They didn't know the magic power of that video, basically as long as they saw the scarlet mech appearing, they felt a feeling of inexplicable heartbeat.

    Obviously this mecha is not handsome, with an extra-large bucket on its side, short limbs, and even looks simple and clumsy. However, when he moved, especially with that decisive ruthlessness, he seemed to be transformed into a mech man.

    Many netizens on Xingwang began to speculate on her true strength. Even if she was driving an "excavator" mecha, she could break through the siege of well-trained police officers wantonly. With such a combat level, the mecha match must be very high—— Apparently 100.

    But people from the mech lovers forum all said that it is stronger than this.

    There are many geniuses and lunatics in this field in their fan forums. The mech matching degree of 100 is not a rare value for them, especially this index is also related to the pain degree of the driver. The higher the better, the better.

    The senior big V account Asimu and the moderator of the forum opened a special column for analysis. Divide the evaluation dimensions directly into shrewdness, destructive power, speed, battery life, etc., as if He Lengbai was regarded as a classic case, and he analyzed it with people and machines.

    ——They even came to a conclusion that He Lengbai, as a hexagonal fighter, could even fight a hundred by himself.

    Immediately, the gangster came out: "Flesh and blood can't beat steel, why don't you say that she can beat a hundred mechas? Can this level be called powerful?"

    This sentence offended many students majoring in mechas After reading it again, they themselves have simulated training to play against people, but the training results are not ideal.

    Among the nimble crowd, the mechas operated by ordinary people are nothing but cumbersome monsters that are attacked by crowds.

    Those who can achieve this level can only be people with full-level talent—not to mention that He Lengbai has never received professional training at all.

    Coming to this conclusion, their inner self-esteem has fallen to scum, which is completely different from the feeling of Heizi jumping in a hurry. The more people who go into this profession, the more they can realize that the ceiling is there, and the less they can deceive themselves .

    Especially the great master who has personally fought against her in the Star League, since they all personally believe that she is the one who drives this mecha.     "I've been in the Imperial Military Academy for three years, but I can't play at this level." Someone said, "I hope some people can be more realistic. After all, this is the top 1,000 players in the

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