Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 Colosseum◇

    ◎"Are you from their side?" He Lengbai was surprised, " are the traitor of the Zerg?" ◎

    He Lengbai found that the side that made the sound was just the dark chaos.

    Her knife was out of its sheath, ready for a bloody battle.

    But they were not in a hurry to kill themselves.

    There are murmurs one after another in the chaos.

    From their murmurs, He Lengbai knew that if all the contestants were wiped out, what was waiting would be the news of the galaxy being invaded and the planet being destroyed.

    This is the rule of this game.

    And they still cling to the idea that no one will survive the game.

    They may just want to appreciate how everyone panicked in the face of death.

    She's just, a little bit different from the other contestants.

    "Before your planet perishes, you can still choose to submit to us."

    "This is the will of the Zerg Emperor."

    "For the lower races, this is the best way out."

    There was a steady voice in the chaos, Observe her from the shadows.

    She stared at Chaos, and the existence in the dark was indeed the outline of an insect. He was not a human being, with a hard carapace and grid-like compound eyes. The other shadows are the same profiled profile.

    He Lengbai didn't know much about Zerg, but she had watched an animal science program. Insects looked small and fragile in the human world, but once they were the same size as humans, their fighting power was the best among all animals.

    Speed, strength, even the will to survive.

    He Lengbai finally witnessed the power of the pure blood Zerg with his own eyes.

    The mental coercion came from all directions, as if squeezing her internal organs, she couldn't even breathe.

    This is the most powerful group she has ever seen.

    However, He Lengbai didn't feel that this was the reason for her to back down.

    They wanted her to submit, but she despised their arrogance.

    By virtue of one's own blood, one can despise the lives of others. This sense of superiority often comes from excess self-confidence.

    rather than real power.

    What's more, she walked all the way to finally get a top ranking in the All-Star Mecha League, gain recognition, and win glory for her own planet.

    What is she drawing? All the way through the level in order to finally "sacrifice" himself to the Zerg? Or is it their "dog"?

    "In your eyes, the low-level ethnic group is just a speck of dust, but they have given all their efforts just to become a speck of dust."

    "Dividing life by high and low is to deny life itself "

    "Let me join you, that would be a disgrace to me."

    She knew that at this time, the harsher the words, the faster her death would be.

    This is the arena they dominate.

    They manipulate everything easily, but they are also paying attention to the existence of the strong.

    They may have valued their own potential, and reluctantly gave her a way out.

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