Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 Sight Deviation◇

    ◎His gaze seems to have never passed her. ◎

    He Lengbai's heart froze for a moment, just now Chu Yao's gaze just passed over his face.

    That inexplicable feeling was biting her.

    Like a breeze over hot sand.

    But it doesn't take away any heat.

    Desires are hard to fill.

    Here, only she and him are players in the All-Star Mecha League.

    He is a reserve member of the team and still has the qualifications for the competition. And she was allowed by exception.

    The mood is very delicate - as if a lone star in the vast universe finally sees a similar light in the distance.


    Also out of reach.

    He just looked forward firmly, and introduced everything about the player protection plan in detail.

    I didn't look at myself again.

    She had to turn her attention to taking notes.

    She learned that the area that their team was responsible for was the Asker star in the outer spiral arm of the β galaxy, and all the parameters of that star appeared on her tablet.

    Among all the players, she is the only one who knows the information about the planet where the competition will be held in advance, which feels like cheating.

    But in reality, it doesn't do much.

    The parameters of the planet are not reminiscent of reality.

    Rotation time, revolution period, diameter... She can only deduce its basic situation with difficulty.

    He Lengbai subconsciously compared Asker with his hometown Liexing.

    There has been a cataclysm on Asker, but there are strange plants inexplicably flourishing in the northern hemisphere.

    There are many unknown creatures hidden in it, similar to the existence of star beasts.

    The southern hemisphere, however, is a desert.

    It has no minerals, plants but cannot be cultivated, and frequent magnetic storms, all technological equipment may be completely useless.

    He Lengbai couldn't imagine how the contestants communicated with the outside world.

    She also found that the planets selected for the competition are all relatively small planets, which is also convenient for actual combat.

    There are two thousand contestants, and there are ten planets in total.

    Each team member needs to fly a spaceship to inspect various planets, not only to pay attention to the survival of the players, but also to pay attention to whether there are other alien systems outside the planet.

    Considering that some team members currently do not have mastered the airship skills. The airship will assign two team members to pilot it.

    The mecha is also an auxiliary combat tool. If there is an unexpected situation, everyone can also use the team's special mecha.

    Of course, she can only use the team armor when performing team missions.

    The only thing she worried about was that she couldn't fly a spaceship, and she always felt that she would scare people away by driving a mecha to save people.

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