Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 ◇

    ◎"I thought that by being down-to-earth, I could win everything back—unfortunately, you taught me to control violence with violence." ◎The

    14th District of Liexing Slums.

    "It's bad, our boss hasn't come back for three hours, and the cargo spaceship can reach Yuxing in an hour."

    In the mecha warehouse where He Lengbai stayed, there were gangsters eagerly circling around.

    He Lengbai didn't call Guangxun three hours ago, and there was no response to interstellar long-distance calls. After a while, Scorpion became anxious, so he almost went to the police station to question him.

    "...No, after all, the police station has just issued an order, and the minerals in our 14th district have not yet been handed over. If you remind me so much, they will even..." The

    residents of Lixing and the police officers of the police station have always been in harmony with each other, and they are even willing Treat each other with courtesy—not to mention that the team leader of the police station made an exception before, allowing He Lengbai to participate in the All-Star Mecha League even though he did not have a black household status.

    It's a pity - they just learned one thing, that is, the team leader of that police station was completely fired, and the police station stationed in the 14th district even had a big change of personnel.

    Scorpion's eyes were thick and gloomy, and He Lengbai didn't hear back after he boarded the cargo spaceship.

    Unexpectedly, the accident rate of cargo spaceships is only 1/1,000 per year, but... What

    's more frightening is that there is a black hole between Yuxing and Lixing, in case the leader is really gone forever.

    No, he can't have a crow's mouth!

    He pounded on the wall.

    At that time, when he saw those guys from the police station standing there nervously, he should have gone straight up to stop He Lengbai, but it was too late to say anything at this time.

    "Besides, tomorrow is the last day we have to hand over our minerals!"

    Other residents also became uneasy.

    Could it be... He Lengbai was arrested by the police station?

    Many gangsters thought in unison in their hearts that when they watched He Lengbai get on the cargo spaceship, the people from the police station didn't ask what they were doing, they just watched the whole process.

    "Suddenly a spaceship landed at the port!" There was a sudden commotion outside the block, "People from the police station also took up guns to ambush them. What kind of uninvited guest is this?

    " , someone is watching them.

    It's He Lengbai.

    The gangsters were shouting excitedly, but they suddenly realized that this spaceship is not a cargo spaceship.

    I heard before that the cargo spaceship will be intercepted by interstellar pirates on the way—their leader has been kidnapped?

    But looking at the situation, why was their boss finally sent back?

    Could it be that they were held as hostages with a knife on their necks to threaten them, the star-studded poor? Seeing He Lengbai's tense expression...they suspected that the other party was being threatened.

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