Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Are you looking down on me? ◇

    ◎Does he... think he won't know the truth? Or does he not care at all? ◎

    Recently, she has been a bit high-profile, but if everyone came to attack her, she would not be able to bear it!

    "That's not enough. The interstellar war will at least affect several planets, and the gains outweigh the losses. But there is a military competition between Zhou Xing and Yu Xing." The uncle said, "Although the mechs are not as good as Yu Xing, they are not willing to lose to There are too many Zhou Xing."

    "Zhou Xing..." He Lengbai was a little dazed.

    The booming sound resounded through the entire combat aircraft base again, and an officer reprimanded, "If you can't dodge, you'll just crash the plane!"... Some teammates uttered heart-piercing pain because of the severe pain they suffered during training. Lung-cracking roar.

    This is real training, there is no room for it, and it is 100% simulating a battlefield where a mistake will last forever.

    Absolute training from hell.

    Only in this way can the members of the team increase their reverence for life - because even during training, they have no room for error!

    He Lengbai couldn't help wondering, why did Yuxing compete with Zhouxing in military affairs?

    Seeing the broadcast on the optical network, Yuxing is conducting an outer space military exercise with Zhouxing, involving warships, interstellar tracking missiles, mechas and other armament competitions.

    The reason for all this is the ore dispute, and the two parties showed part of their hole cards to each other to frighten the other planet.

    ——Even, it's not just a matter of two planets.

    There are many military experts on the optical network, and they have analyzed that Yuxing is not the only ambitious planet.

    Yuxing covets the minerals of the dwarf star traded with Zhouxing, and Zhouxing has already set his sights on the stars controlled by Yuxing.

    The two planets have their own minds, and they have greater ambitions to expand their territories. Zhou Xing even had the idea of ​​conquering the stars long before.

    On the forum for military enthusiasts, it was also said that Zhou Xing had used all its military power, and even the high martial arts family went to the front line of the exercise.

    He just wanted to find out if he could take Lie Xing from Yu Xing.

    He Lengbai was stunned... Everything about Chu Yao resurfaced in his heart again. He is a descendant of Zhou Xing's high martial arts family, so it is bound to be difficult to isolate him from military operations.

    After the last All-Star Mech League, she and him were estranged again, and there was no contact.

    He has a confident and magnanimous temperament, but deep down is gloomy and gloomy.

    She couldn't see through the man under his shadow, and because of this, she stopped.

    Or rather, he pushed her away too.

    Obviously, he should be breathless in front of the huge pressure from his family, but in front of outsiders, he behaved so nonchalantly.

    She is also one of the outsiders - after the preliminaries, he just said something superficially that he would not be able to contact her for a while, and left in a hurry.

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