Chapter 1.

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Meredith Grey.

I woke up earlier then I usually do. when I rolled over in bed, I saw that the sun was just starting to rise, and it was still a bit dark out.

I closed my eyes again and reached my arms out to wrap around my boyfriend Derek but instead I get an arm full of pillow and blanket.

I push the covers out of my arms and push the blanket off my body to feel all the cold air. I sit up and grab my rope from the headboard post and put it on.

I open the bedroom door and go into the living room where the only light is from the tv. I walk over to him and sit next to him while holding my robe tightly around my body.

"What are you doing up so early, we're on Christmas break, you're supposed to be taking a break, that means sleep as long as you want, not waking up at four fifty in the morning," I whisper against his skin before kissing his cheek.

"I woke up naturally not by an alarm clock," he says as he continues watching tv.

"What are you doing up, did I wake you when I got up?" he asks with a disappointed look on his face.

"No, you didn't wake me up, baby. the cold woke me up," I shiver.

"I know, it's cold. it started snowing last night," he says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his lap.

"Aren't you happy I made you buy that thick coat yesterday, Hmm?" I tease kissing his cheek.

"Who knew being warm costed so much," he says.

"How would you know? I paid for it," I say.

"You wouldn't let me pay for it," he defends.

"Well, you were already complaining that I made you go to the mall, so I didn't want to piss you off with paying the price," I say before turning my head away from his face and yawn into my arm.

"Well, I didn't know coats were three hundred dollars!" he exclaims.

"And I didn't know you liked going through the garbage for the receipts!" I exclaim hitting his arm but not enough to hurt him.

"Well, you wouldn't tell me how much it was at the mall, I dried to fight you for it in the mall, people were staring, and they probably thought I was abusing you," He rolls his eyes. I lot of people thinks he's abusive because he insults my sarcastically and hits me every so often. since he works out a lot and is much bigger and taller than me it looks like he hits me harder than he actually does. it almost feels like nothing, he knows I have sensitive skin so he would never hurt me.

"I know," I giggle.

"What are you laughing at?" he says putting his hand on my thigh and pulls me further onto his lap.

"Nothing," I say while giggling before trying to hold it back

"Meredith, tell me. I hate it when you gatekeep things," he groans slapping my thigh gently.

"Fine. when we stopped at the gas station, and you kept slapping my thighs and then you hit my arm and then when I went to get the card from out of the car and you squished my arm by accident?" I say while laughing a bit as I turn to look at him.

"Yes, why?" he asks.

"Well, when you went inside to pay there was a man there and he gave me a phone number for domestic abuse," I say waiting to see what his reaction is going to be.

"a number for domestic abuse?!" he asks shocked.

"Yes, and under it was his number. guys really can't help you without trying to get you into their bed," I say rolling his eyes.

"Wait, didn't you tell him you weren't being abused?" he asks while putting his hand on my arm.

"Well, yeah, I tried telling him, but he wasn't buying it and just told me to stay brave before he left," I shrug.

"Why does everyone think I'm an abusive boyfriend?" he says while rubbing his hand over his face. he really does hate it, which is makes sense.

"You're big, your arms huge, and it's easy to tell that you're strong. a lot of people assume those kinds of men are abusive when they have girlfriends," I say resting my hand on his cheek and gently rubbing his cheekbone before kissing the side of his head.

"I know but why?" he asks curiously.

"Because the reason a lot of men work out is because of anger, and since they have to take it out on working out it makes it seem like they have anger issues and that can lead to domestic abuse," I say.

"And you do have anger issues," I had.

"I know, but I would never hit you," he says disappointed.

"I know, I'm sorry I laughed," I kiss his forehead repeatedly.

"You're not scared of me, right?" He asks innocently.

"No, of course not. I would never be scared of you. other than when you yell, then you're a little scary, when it comes to me," I say.

"You've been scared of me before?" he asks upset.

"Sometimes, but not often. only when you're trying to be but when I'm not scared for me then I'm scared for the other person you're trying to scare. and when you yell at me yes, but when we argue you hardly yell, other than the time you thought I was cheating on you," I say running my fingers through his head and massaging his scalp with my long nails.

"I don't want you to be scared of me," he wraps his arms tightly around my waist and pulls me into his chest tightly but not too tightly.

"I'm not scared of you. you're fine, don't worry," I kiss his head again.

"Let's go back to bed it's freezing in here," I say.

"Well, why don't you go put on my three-hundred-dollar coat," he says sarcastically.

"Shut up, mine was four-hundred," I roll my eyes.

"Four-hundred-dollars?!" he says as I start to stand up.

"Yes, and I got two. I would have gotten two for you, but you wouldn't let me. I'll just get you another one for Christmas," I say.

"You're really enjoying all the money your dead left you when he died, aren't you," he says standing up as well.

"Yes, I didn't have to deal with his alcoholism, and I got money out of it," I shrug as we go back into the bedroom.

my dad left when I was a kid because my mom divorced him because he had a drinking problem. but he still left most of it to me in his will because apparently, he felt bad for leaving when I was five. his other daughter was kind of pissed, Molly, she doesn't like me.

we go back into our bedroom, and we get back in bed and watch tv under the covers where it's nice and warm.

Words: 1193


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