chapter 29

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I make Meredith some good and place it on the table for her to eat. I stand next to her as she eats and run my fingers through her hair, admiring her.

I hear my phone start ringing. I step away from Meredith and go into the kitchen to get my phone.

I look at the caller ID and see it's my mother. I think a bit before I press the red button and put my phone down.

when I go back into the kitchen I see Meredith's already finished with her food.

"Who was it?" she asks.

"It was my mother," I say as I take her plate.

"what did she want?"

"I don't know, I didn't answer the phone," I say.

"Why? you always answer her calls," she says as she follows me into the kitchen.

"it's always the same thing with her, she talks about the baby, she gives names suggestions, she tells me what to tell you to do with the nursery and the baby and what you need to buy and all she wants to do is tell us what to do with the baby," I say.

"Derek, you do know we're eventually going to need help with the baby and my mom still lives in Boston and she has a life of her own," she says as she stands next to me as I clean the dishes.

"I have sisters," I say.

"Nancy and Kathleen hate me almost just as much as your mom does and Lizzies has her own four kids and Amelia's still a kid herself," she says.

"My dad," I say.

"your father lives with your mother, if he watches the baby so does your mother, and it's not like she would let him anyways," she says.

"We'll hire a babysitter then," I say.

"Derek, would do you really want to leave our baby with a stranger? there are many cases of children being murdered because they left their children with a stranger," she says.

"Meredith, that won't happen, you're over thinking this too much," I say.

"that's probably what the parents of a murdered child thought," she says.

"Meredith, we won't have to deal with this for a while," I say. I finish cleaning the plate, I dry it and put it away.

"I'll be eight months in a week Derek, we only have a month for all this. and I still you need to build the crib and a dresser, I have some clothes coming in the mail they're mostly just onesies and pajamas so whether it's a girl or a boy we have clothes that will look their gender. I went to the store the other day, we have bottles, diapers, wipes, blankets, and everything else we need for the baby, I just need you to build the crib, dresser, and the swing. I tried the swing but I couldn't, that's all I really need you to do," she says.

"I can do that," I say. I close the cabinet and go to walk past her.

"I don't mean now Derek, it's just what I need you to get done in a month, everything else is done other than the hospital bag, that's the only thing I need to do," she says.

~four hours later~

Meredith's mother left almost an hour ago to stay at a hotel, one of the best in Seattle of course.

I'm currently in the nursery. I finished building the rocking chair that's in the corner of the room, it's white with a soft cushion. Meredith said she needed a cushion because she has a boney ass, I don't know what that means.

the entire room is white, Meredith was going to make the room white even if we were going to find out the gender. she didn't want a room too bright so when the baby grows up we can paint it the color they want it to be.

thankfully this room is big enough for a child and we'll most likely live somewhere else by the time the baby is older.

as I'm building the crib I hear a small knock at the door before it opens.

"how's it going?" Meredith asks as she walks around the room, making sure everything is where it should be for the baby.

"surprisingly easier than I thought it would be," I say.

"Better you than me. do you need anything, can I get you anything?" she asks.

"Water, cold water," I smile at her.

"Okay," she smiles before she leaves the room.

Words: 758

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