chapter 25

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"Um, Derek, can you take this please," I say to Derek.

"Yes, of course," he says as he takes the spoon from me and continues cooking.

I walk away and good into the bathroom. I shut the door and press my hand against my stomach.

at first, I thought the baby was just kicking this morning when I woke up, but this hurts so much more than kicking.

"Oh, fu- Damn it!" I groan as it happens again.

I blink away the slight tears in my eyes. I open the door and leave. I walk into the kitchen where Derek is still cooking.

"Are you okay?" he asks me.

"yeah, I'm fine. why wouldn't I be?" I ask as I walk over to him.

"Because you look like you were crying and your hands are shaking," he says.

"I wasn't, I'm fine, really," I say as I take over the stove again.

"Meredith, if your not okay you can tell me... what is it, Mer?" he says. he places his hands on my upper arms and turns me to look at him.

"I don't know, I thought they were kicks this morning but they're starting to hurt more and more and I'm not sure it's just kicks anymore," I say with tears in my eyes.

"what do you mean Meredith?" he asks me.

"I don't know what it is, I get these sharp pains every few minutes and they hurt a lot, sometimes it hurts when the baby kicks but never this much," I say.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital," he says.

"No, I don't think it's that bad, Derek," I say.

"Meredith, this is about the baby, what is there's something wrong?" he asks.

"Fine, we'll go to the hospital," I sigh.

"Alright, I'll grab your coat," he says.

I turn back to the stove and turn it off. I remove the pan and set it on the burner that's not on.

I grab my coat and slip on my shoes. Derek grabs the keys and we leave.


we're at the hospital now waiting for the doctor to come back.

"Do you think there's anything wrong with the baby? you're the one studying fetal," Derek asks me.

"No, things like this happen, it could be early labor or it could just be Braxton hicks," I say.

"Braxton is a good name if it's a boy," he says holding my hand tightly in both of his.

"we're not naming our baby after something that happened while I was pregnant with him," I giggle.

"How can you be so calm?" he asks.

"Because we don't have anything to worry about yet, we don't even know if anything is wrong," I say.

"Okay, what if it is early labor, you're not due for another two months," he says.

"then they can stop it if it's really early," I tell him.

"and what if it is labor?" he asks.

"then I give birth today," I say.

"You can't give birth today, it's too early," he says squeezing my hand.

"it'll be fine, Derek," I tell him.

"You know when you become a fetal surgeon you're going to watch babies die every day?" he says out of the blue.

"excuse me?" I ask shocked at his question as I look at him.

"You're going to watch babies day when you're a fetal surgeon, and some of those babies are going to  look like our baby," he says.

"Um, okay? thanks for reminding me... I guess," I say as I sigh and lean back.

"I don't mean to scare you or anything but that does come with the job, watching babies die, watching them suffer, you're going to see babies who were abused by their parents, babies with cancer, you're going to see all that crap," he says.

"I know, all surgeons have to see that Derek," I say.

"I know but you have to see it in babies, it's much harder to see it in babies then it is to see it in adults, it hurts more in babies, and you get to watch parents cry over their babies corpse," he says.

"Okay, you're really not helping by telling me all this at once while we're waiting for the doctor to tell us if there's anything wrong with our baby," I say.

"you're going to be that doctor one day," he says looking up at me.

"I know, relax," I smile, leaning down to kiss his head.

the curtain opens and the doctor walks back into the room.

"Alright, so you're not going into labor, they're just Braxton hicks contractions," she says.

"See? there's nothing wrong," I tell Derek. he sighs and drops his head onto my shoulder. I smile at the doctor.

"You're planning on becoming a fetal surgeon I over heard?" she asks.

"Yes, I am," I nod.

"He's right, it is hard to watch babies die and suffer," she says.

"I know, but at least you still get to save some," I say.

"that's good, it's good to look on the positive side. to help the Braxton hicks pass try taking a walk or a warm bath," she says.

"Thank you," I say.

"Alright, just sign these papers and you two can get going," she hands me some papers.

I sign the papers and hand them back. she takes them and leaves.

"Okay, Derek, we can go home now," I say.

"so everything else is okay?" he asks removing his head from my arm.

"yes, everything's fine. we can go now," I smile softly.

"thank God," he says standing up.

I grab my coat and my purse and we leave.

Words: 942


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