Chapter 5.

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I woke up a few hours later. When I turned to my side I see that Meredith is cuddled into me with her face in my chest still asleep.

I smile to myself and kiss her head before unwrapping her arms from around my waist and slip out of bed.

She groans softly and turns to lay on her stomach with her head pressed into my pillow.

I leave her asleep as I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower.

After my shoulder I go into the closet to pick out some clothes to wear.

I get dressed and go back into the bedroom to see that Meredith is now laying on her side and looks to be still asleep.

I go into her closet and pick out some of her clothes for her to wear and toss them at the end of the bed.

"Meredith, it's time to wake up," I say loudly but not too loudly.

"Ughh," she groans.

"What time is it?" She asks opening her eyes a bit.

"We've been asleep for a few hours," I say.

"why do you always have to wake up when you want to, why can't we wake up when I want to?" she says.

"because you never want to go to sleep. if we woke up whenever you wanted to we would never wake up," I say.

"I wouldn't kill us," she rolls her eyes.

"I know that, but we would always be in bed, I'm not even sure we would graduate," I say.

"go do whatever you want. I'm going back to sleep," she groans pressing her face back into the pillow.

"Meredith... do you know what day it is?" I ask her.

"No, why?" she says muffled into the pillow.

"it's Wednesday, December seventh," I say.

"So? what does that have to do with anything?" she says.

"it's been two weeks since you did your nails. that means you have to redo them today," I whisper in her ear.

"ugh, I'll do it later," she says.

"my mother's coming over, get dressed," I slap her bare ass under the sheets.

"what? why is your mother coming over," she says finally getting out of bed.

"she's not but I'm going to call her now so I'm not lying, I just said that to get you of bed," I chuckle.

"you know... times like these make me regret ever saying yes to going out with you," she says pressing her face in her hands as she sits at the end of the bed.

"maybe my mother can give you some parenting tips," I tease.

"Derek, we're not having a kid, I'm too young. and I don't want parenting tips from your mother," she says standing up and grabbing the clothes from the end of the bed.

"why not? I came out fine," I say sitting down at the edge of the end of the bed, watching her beautiful naked body move as she gets dressed.

"you came out annoying with a big ego, I'm not sure that's what I want to raise," she sighs once she's fully dressed and grabs a hair brush from her vanity drawer and sits down in her chair and start brushing her hair.

"fine, raise the child the way you want, they Grey way but it might be the Shepherd way depending on the name on the birth certificate," I say.

"we're waiting until we're married before we have a child, and don't propose to me tomorrow just so we can have a child," she says.

"I wasn't planning on it, I would never propose just for a child, but I might propose for another reason," I say.

"we're not getting married yet, is your mother actually coming over or can I do my nails?" she asks. I knew she would do them when I reminded her. she does them once every two weeks, they last longer because they're gel.

"both, but if you're going to change into something nicer, change into the red you bought the other day," I tell.

"fine, but I'm not talking to her," she says.

"you don't have to talk to her for her to talk to you, but do whatever you want. I'm going to go clean the place up a little bit," I say.

"don't let her know you cleaned or else I'll never hear the end of it on how I'm too lazy to clean and that I make you do all the work," she says.

"don't worry, I won't," I say before leaving the room and she starts doing her nails.

Words: 768

Suggestions for when Derek's mom comes???

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