chapter 28

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I quickly rap my robe around my body and tie it around my waist.

"Mom!" I say opening the bedroom door and walk into the living room.

"You're huge! how can you be so big and still have a sex life, how does he even-" she says pointing to my vagina.

"Mom, I'm not telling you how Derek and I have sex while I'm seven months pregnant," I say.

"seven months?! you're seven months pregnant?" she exclaims as she walks over to me and places her hands on my stomach.

"Yes, almost eight months," I smile.

"That's wonderful Meredith, I know I wasn't there for you a lot when you were a child, please tell me you won't do that with this child I know you're still becoming a surgeon and everything," she says.

"I won't, and this child will also have a father who lives with them," I smile.

"I'm sorry I couldn't visit sooner, I was busy with-"

"Surgery, I know, I get it," I say. it's the same excuse I've been listening to for almost twenty years. but it still hurts that she still uses it.

"No, it wasn't that, I had a fall broke a bone or two- but I'm fine now!" she says.

"Now, do you know the gender of the baby yet? you were adorable as a child it's how you always got what you wanted, it's why you had so many Barbie dolls so it would be great if you had a girl that looked exactly like you," she says as she sits down on the couch.

"I would love a mini me and so would Derek but his mother would slaughter me like a pig in a slaughter house if we had a smaller me," I say sitting down next to her.

"Okay, what is that women's deal with you? she's always hated you since you were a child. when I asked her why she didn't have an actual reason to hate you, she just said you were annoying but all children all which she should have known considering she had five, one being Nancy," she said.

"I know, I'm surprised, when Derek proposed on Christmas she actually smiled and said congratulations- It was a fake smile but it was a smile," I say.

"he proposed on Christmas? let me see," she says. I give her my left hand and show her the ring.

"that's a gorgeous ring, and it's a good size too, not too big, not too small, but still noticeable if another woman sees you together in public, she'll see the ring and walk away," she says letting go. I take my hand back.

"So, you two definitely weren't expecting me if that's what you two were busy doing," she says.

"we weren't expecting anything, and we had- already finished by the time you walked in," I say nervously.

"looks like you two were just starting things up again," she smirks.

"And no wonder you got pregnant so soon, I mean the size of his-"

"Okay, we are not going to talk about the size of my fiancées penis,"

"I've never seen a man with that size before, unless you count pornhub but that doesn't really count," she says.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I ask changing the subject.

"Do you have anything you can't drink while pregnant?" she asks.

"Yes, we still have lots of alcohol in this place," I say standing up with the help of the couch.

I go into the kitchen and pour her a class of white wine, she prefers white over red. I take the class back into the living room.

I see Derek talking to my mother when I come back into the room, they're currently talking about the baby and why we haven't chosen to find out the gender of the baby.

"White wine," I say handing her the glass.

"Thank you, Meredith,"

"You're wearing clothes now," I say to Derek as he sits in the sofa chair.

"Yes, I am, after you left me alone, I had to take a shower before I came in here," he says, making me smile.

"So, Derek, you've decided to propose to my daughter without my permission first?" she says.

"I-um, I figured you liked me enough to approve without me asking first," he says.

"confidence, it's good to have that in a man," she says looking at me.

"Derek's always had plenty of confidence, it's always came very natural to him," I side eye him.

"so why haven't you chosen to find out the gender of the baby yet? you know it's good to be prepared with the name and everything," she says.

"I know, but if we found out the gender we would have to tell Derek's mother, she she's already tried getting us to give her the baby every weekend Saturday through Sunday," I say.

"why on earth would she want that? and she thought you'd say yes, with your stubborn ass," she says.

"She was dropped really hard when she was a baby. if the baby's a boy, she'll insist on being there when I'm giving birth and then she'll kidnap it while I'm sleeping, and if it's a girl she'll kill it the second it's born and then we'll have no baby," I say.

"Meredith," Derek says sternly. he hates it when I talk about the baby dying.

"We're going to find out the baby's gender when it's born and then we'll have at least a day to pick the name and we've already been talking about baby names and we have a few that'd pick from, depending on if the baby's blonde or brunette," I say.

"what if the baby's born blonde and grows up brunette, or vise versa?"

"then it won't really matter because we'll already by used to the name for a year and the name will already suit their face and it won't occur to us that their hair is a different color," I smile.

"Mm-hmm. Derek was this your idea, waiting to find out?" she asks.

"um... yes," he says.

"that makes sense," she says.

"I'm going to use the bathroom," she says before standing up.

"we need to settle on a name for a boy and a girl," I say to Derek once she's gone.

"It'll come to us once their born, I promise," he says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes. are you hungry, can I make you something to eat?" he asks standing up.

"Yes, please," I smile.

he walks over to me and kisses my softly before he goes into the kitchen.

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