Chapter 18

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I come back from the bathroom and see Derek and his mom sitting in the living room talking about something.

"Hey," Derek says as he says.

"Hi," I sigh sitting down next to him.

"Is everything alright?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy, that's all," I say.

"Of course you are," I hear his mother mumble.

"You already know that I'm pregnant, why do you still hate anyways?" I ask.

"You know exactly why I don't like you, don't act like you don't know," she rolls her eyes.

"No, I don't, you've hated me since I was a child, you hated me when I first met Derek, it doesn't make sense what I possibly could have done to make you hate me at such a young age," I say. I can feel the hormones creating tears in my eyes, but I quickly blink them away before she can notice.

"You were an annoying child," she shrugs.

"You had Nancy and Kathleen as daughters, and I was an annoying child?" I scoff.

"What are you implying?" she says.

"I don't know, maybe you're just a bi-" I say.

"Okay, it looks like Amelia's starting to wake up from her nap," Derek cuts me off as Amelia walks down the stairs slowly as she rubs her eyes.

"Amelia, what are you doing up so early, you were supposed to asleep for a few more hours," Dereks mom says to Amelia.

"It sounded like you were yelling," Amelia says as she walks into the living room. Carolyn opens her arms to Amelia, but she walks right past her and goes to Derek and climbs into his lap. she wraps her arms around his waist and lays her head on his chest.

"Did you miss me?" he whispers kissing her head softly.

"Did you bring Meredith with you?" she asks with her eyes closed.

"I did," he says rubbing his back gently.

"Where is she?" she asks.

"She's sitting right next to us," he chuckles softly.

she lifts her head off his chest and opens her eyes and looks over at me. she smiles tiredly before she climbs off his chest and sits in my lap instead.

she lays her head on my chest and presses the side of her into my breast.

"She likes your boobs," Derek smiles as he looks at Amelia as she closes her eyes again.

"Most do," I smile.

"Enough about Meredith's breasts. Derek, are you sure Meredith is really pregnant? are you sure this isn't one of her sarcastic jokes, like the ones she always played when she was a child?" she asks Derek. I've always had a very sarcastic personality, even when I was a child and Derek's mom was definitely not a fan of it, and she still hasn't gotten used to it somehow.

"No, Ma, I got her the pregnancy tests, and she showed me them, all of them and they were all positive," he says.

"Alright... how do you know it's yours?" she says.

"Oh my gosh," I whisper to myself.

"Yes! Ma, of course it's mine, who's else could it possibly be?!" Derek says.

"I don't know, you both go to a large school, it could be a lot of people, who knows how many people she's had sex with while you two have been together!"

"Okay, there's still a six-year-old in the room and I highly doubt you want to give her the sex talk so young," I say.

"Fine, I have to go check on the food anyways," she says as she stands up and leave the room.

"Meredith, I am so sorry-" Derek starts.

"Derek, it's fine," I say taking on of my hands off of sleeping Amelia and put it on his thigh.

"No, Meredith, it's not, this has gone on for way too long, this unexplained hatred she has for you," he says.

"Derek, you've been apologizing for your mom since we were five years old, I'm used to it by now and I don't really care anymore, sometimes it bothers me but most of the time I don't care anymore," I say.

"But still-"

"It's fine, Derek. you didn't do anything, and your mother is always like this, you have nothing to be sorry about," I see. I gently rub his thigh and kiss his cheek.

"I still don't like it," he sighs shaking his head.

"I know, but there's nothing you and I can do to change that or her," I say.

"Doesn't mean I'm going to like it," he sighs leaning back onto the couch.

"You're not supposed to," I say.


Words: 775 words

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